Oct 18, 2024  
2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

I (Incomplete) Policy

The “I” (incomplete) designation is used to record work, which so far as covered, is of passing grade (e.g., student has completed passing work throughout most of the semester) but is incomplete because of a late in the semester emergency (e.g., personal illness, bereavement absence, or other unavoidable reason). The “I” designation may be requested by the student or offered by the instructor; however, the instructor will have final say as to whether an “I” designation is a viable option.

Step 1. Before assigning the “I” designation when entering grades online, the instructor must confirm with the student the details of the work to be completed and the deadline for completion. The faculty member must complete a hardcopy Incomplete Grade Form, indicating/documenting the reason for the incomplete grade, the work to be completed, deadlines for completion (it is not necessary to permit the maximum allowable time), and a default grade if the work is not successfully submitted by the established deadline. While the time needed to complete the work will vary based on amount and type of work, instructor time frame, and student situation, incomplete coursework must be submitted to the instructor by the end of the next regular (fall/spring) semester (i.e., last day of classes). For the department files, both the instructor and student will sign a hardcopy Incomplete Grade Form; the instructor signature signifying agreement and the student signature signifying understanding of the required work and time frame. Students are encouraged to stay in touch with the instructor to discuss progress on completing the work during the semester.

Step 2. To officially record the incomplete, the following information must be entered into the IUP Grade Management System: the “I” grade, the default grade (incomplete final grade), and date when deliverable(s) are due (extension date). The system then electronically notifies 1) the instructor, 2) the student, 3) the student’s advisor, 4) the chairperson of the department that delivered the course, and 5) the dean of the college of the course that delivered the course.

Step 3. Upon submission of the incomplete coursework, or notification by the student that the course work will not be completed, the instructor will calculate the final course grade and submit the change of grade in the IUP Grade Management System no later than the last day of classes for the next regular (fall/spring) semester.

If the student fails to submit the designated coursework by the last day of classes for the next regular (fall/spring) semester, the “I” designation automatically converts to an F or the default grade at the end of the grading period of the next regular (fall/spring) semester after the designation was assigned. Likewise, if the instructor fails to submit the appropriate grade change by the end of the grading period of the next regular (fall/spring) semester after the designation was assigned, the “I” designation converts to an F or the default grade. To monitor designations, the registrar will provide semester reports of outstanding “I” designations to department chairs.

Under extreme circumstances, with instructor agreement, an “I” designation may be extended through the end of an additional regular semester following the initially designated semester for completion. For this to occur, an instructor must complete another hardcopy Incomplete Grade Form, forward the form to the dean of the college that delivered the course, obtain the dean’s approval, and inform the Registrar’s Office (registrars-office@iup.edu) of the approved extension. Note: Students have the right to use the University’s Grade Appeal Policy to resolve any differences between a student and instructor related to the granting and resolving of an “I” designation.

Receiving an “I” designation in a course means that the course DOES NOT satisfy prerequisites.