Oct 01, 2024  
2023-24 Graduate Catalog 
2023-24 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Fresh Start Policy

A graduate student, who has been separated from the university as a result of academic dismissal, including time-to-degree dismissal, may only apply for readmission to the University if the student has been separated from the University for a minimum of two calendar years (24 consecutive months) from the date of dismissal. The request to be considered for readmission to the University must be into a graduate program, and readmission to the program from which the student was dismissed may not be sought. A student dismissed as a result of an academic integrity violation is barred from utilizing the Graduate Fresh Start Policy to request readmission.

Conditions for a Graduate Fresh Start Application

A graduate student may apply for a Graduate Fresh Start only if he/she meets all of the following conditions:

  • he/she was academically dismissed, including time-to-degree dismissal from an IUP graduate program;
  • he/she has been separated from the university for a minimum of two calendar years (24 consecutive months);
  • he/she applies for readmission consideration to a graduate program at IUP, excluding the program from which the student was academically dismissed.

The graduate student must apply to the desired program through the standard Admissions process. Having reviewed the prior and intervening factors for evidence of potential for improved academic success, the program coordinator, after departmental review, may recommend to the dean of Graduate Studies and Research that the student be readmitted to the University and admitted to the program.

The dean’s decision is final and is not subject to appeal.

Conditions for a Graduate Fresh Start Record

All credits and grades for IUP course work taken before readmission under this Graduate Fresh Start Policy shall remain on the transcript. Upon readmission, a new cumulative (GPA) is established based on credits and grades earned from the date of readmission. Individuals may seek readmission to the University though the provisions of this policy only once.

Prior Record

The student’s graduate record will be identified as a Graduate Fresh Start. No graduate credits earned from the program in which the student was dismissed are permitted to be transferred to the Graduate Fresh Start sought degree. Any other transfer credits must meet the IUP Transfer Credit Policy.

Students seeking a degree under the Graduate Fresh Start are not permitted to repeat a previously taken course from the program in which the student was dismissed and have it count towards improving the previous CGPA that was prior to readmission. Any course repeat(s) will be counted as a course taken under the Graduate Fresh Start and applied solely to the new degree sought and new cumulative GPA.

Academic Standards

A student who is readmitted under the provisions of the Graduate Fresh Start Policy shall be required to meet current degree requirements. He/she shall be academically reviewed under the policies published in the academic catalog at the time of rematriculation. Students readmitted to the University under this policy and who were dismissed initially by exceeded time-to-degree requirements may not be granted extensions of time-to-degree requirements.