Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Credit designation at right of title is expressed in (c) class hours per week, (l) lab or (d) discussion section hours per week, and (cr) number of credits per semester.



  • MUSC 130 - String Ensemble

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 0/1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: Provides string players an experience with music from Baroque works of Vivaldi, Handel, and Bach to the new and experimental.
  • MUSC 131 - University Wind Ensemble

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 0/1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: A large ensemble experience for woodwind, brass, and percussion performers.
  • MUSC 132 - Treble or Bass Chorus

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 0-1

    Description: Provides choral ensemble experience for vocalists with treble or bass voices, respectively.
  • MUSC 133 - Woodwind Ensemble

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 0-1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: A chamber ensemble experience for woodwind performers.
  • MUSC 134 - University Chorus

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 0-1

    Description: A large, mixed chorus that performs major works each semester.
  • MUSC 135 - Jazz Ensemble

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 0-1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: The study and performance of all styles of jazz, including swing, Latin, rock fusion, and other contemporary idioms.
  • MUSC 136 - Advanced Jazz Ensemble

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 0-1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: The student performs a mixture of jazz styles from Latin to swing, ballads to fusion.
  • MUSC 137 - Piano Accompanying

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 0-1

    Description: Piano accompanying may be scheduled by qualified (successful audition) pianists from the Music Department in partial fulfillment of ensemble requirements. Pianists registered for this course will provide accompaniments for Music Department students in solo vocal or instrumental performances in area and departmental recitals and/or in voice and instrumental lessons.
    Repeated: May be repeated for credit. Approved: Registration must be approved by a designated Music Department faculty member from the piano area.
  • MUSC 138 - Vocal Repertoire Ensemble

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 0-1

    Restriction: Music major with a successful audition and instructor permission
    Description: Explores the performance practices of various styles and genres of classical vocal music, augmenting course work in the areas of applied voice training and performance experience for vocal musicians in a master class format. Features a different vocal style/genre/theme each semester. Course work for the ensemble consists of performance and coaching of assigned music concentrating on historically informed performance practice, as well as composer study and style profiles. Possible topics include Sacred Vocal Music, English Renaissance and Baroque Vocal Music, Vocal Music of Franz Schubert, Vocal Music of the American 20th Century, Vocal Music for the High School Students, etc. This is a repeatable course that meets the Music Department’s ensemble requirements.
  • MUSC 139 - Piano Ensemble

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Music major, instructor permission
    Description: The study and performance of repertoire for piano in ensemble with other pianists, vocalists, and instrumentalists. Special considerations for accompanying and collaborating in chamber music are discussed and practiced.
  • MUSC 140 - Popular Music Ensemble

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 1

    Description: Laboratory for performance and creative expression in all popular musical styles. Includes individual and group projects based their abilities, artistic interests, and the makeup of the ensemble. Some background with songwriting, voice, or a musical instrument is encouraged, but the course is open to any interested student.
    Repeated: May be repeated for credit.
  • MUSC 151 - Class Voice I

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: For non-voice and music education majors. Development of correct vocal production techniques through individual and group performance in class. Use of the voice as a tool for theory skills and for eventual use in the music classroom.
  • MUSC 153 - Class Piano I

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: For music majors with no significant background in piano who need to develop functional keyboard skills. Emphasizes scales, chord progressions, and sight-reading. Harmonizing melodies and playing simple accompaniments are included in this skill-oriented course.
  • MUSC 154 - Class Piano II

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Description: A continuation of Class Piano I; for music majors.
  • MUSC 155 - Class Strings I

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: For music education majors who will develop rudimentary playing techniques sufficient to initiate instruction for beginning students. Emphasizes correct playing positions and tone production for violin, viola, cello, and double bass.
  • MUSC 157 - Class Percussion I

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: A practical introduction to the various instruments of the percussion family. Students demonstrate correct playing techniques and develop a resource file containing information on percussion instruments and instructional materials as needed by the school music teacher.
  • MUSC 159 - Class Brass I

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: For music education majors who will demonstrate rudimentary playing techniques and tone production skills to initiate beginning instruction. Students develop playing on trumpet or French horn and trombone, euphonium or tuba.
  • MUSC 161 - Class Woodwinds I

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: For music education majors who will acquire correct tone production and playing techniques sufficient to initiate beginning instruction. Students demonstrate skills with flute, clarinet, saxophone, and oboe or bassoon.
  • MUSC 180 - Technology for General Musicianship

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 2

    Restriction: Music major enrolled in BA or BFA program or instructor permission
    Description: An introduction to the fundamental concepts of music technology, including the basics of digital audio sound recording, music notation, MIDI, mixing and sound synthesis, and the construction and use of web pages in a music career.
  • MUSC 190 - Introduction to Music Education

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Description: Introduces foundational concepts and practices in music education.
  • MUSC 211 - Theory Skills III

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: MUSC 112 , with a grade of “C” or better or Satisfactory
    Description: Further development of aural skills through dictation, sight singing, keyboard skills, and improvisation. Taken in conjunction with Theory III.
  • MUSC 212 - Theory Skills IV

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: MUSC 211  and MUSC 154  or APMU 151 , with a grade of “C” or better or Satisfactory
    Description: Culmination of the development of aural and keyboard skills including sight-reading, performance, and improvisation. Taken in conjunction with Theory IV.
  • MUSC 215 - Theory III

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUSC 115 , MUSC 116 , with a grade of “C” or better or Satisfactory
    Description: An extension of the techniques of the 18th and 19th centuries to include modulation, altered chords, more advanced musical forms, and contrapuntal procedures.
  • MUSC 216 - Theory IV

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUSC 115 , MUSC 116 , MUSC 215 , with a grade of “C” or better or Satisfactory
    Description: An extension of the techniques of the 18th and 19th centuries to include modulation, altered chords, more advanced musical forms, and contrapuntal procedures. Theory IV concentrates largely on music and materials of the present century.
  • MUSC 217 - Keyboard Harmony

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUSC 212 , MUSC 216 , and the equivalent of a B Jury, or instructor permission
    Description: A keyboard approach to understanding harmony observed during the common practice period. Study through the weekly performance and realization of various exercises includes figured bass, score reading (works for small and large orchestra), playing by ear, and applied theoretical analysis. Projects include creating a reduced, four-part score from one movement of a large orchestral work and a transcription of one movement from a large orchestral work.
  • MUSC 219 - Music Education Practicum Ensemble

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 0-1

    Prerequisite: At least one of the following must be completed before enrollment: MUSC 151 , MUSC 155 , MUSC 157 , MUSC 159 , or MUSC 161 , or instructor permission
    Description: An opportunity for preservice music teachers or other interested persons to continue to gain experience in a music ensemble setting either in the role of performer or conductor. For music majors or approved non-majors, this is an opportunity for students to gain additional experience as a performer in a low-stress environment. For music education majors who have reached Step 1, this course offers the opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience as an ensemble conductor. Both performers and conductors gain an awareness of age-appropriate student music literature used in public school music programs.
  • MUSC 240 - Technology in the Music Classroom

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 2

    Description: Introduces the technology resources available for use in the music classroom and the instructional technologies appropriate for application in K-12 settings including applications for students with disabilities. Students are exposed to a variety of media and have the opportunity to gain familiarity in their use. Emphasizes the use of the computer in the music classroom, web-based technologies, and music software.
  • MUSC 281 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Offered on an experimental or temporary basis to explore topics not included in the established curriculum. A given topic may be offered under any special topic identity no more than three times. Special topics numbered 281 are offered primarily for lower-level undergraduate students.
  • MUSC 311 - Fundamentals of Conducting

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Restriction: Music major or instructor permission
    Description: Emphasizes fundamental physical skills of conducting process; various beat patterns are mastered and elementary score reading and interpretation are considered.
  • MUSC 312 - Choral Conducting

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: MUSC 311 
    Description: An opportunity to apply basic conducting techniques to choral music. Each student conducts the class in standard choral works. Includes survey of suitable literature, organizational problems, voice testing, rehearsal techniques, program building, interpretation, and diction.
  • MUSC 313 - Instrumental Conducting

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: MUSC 311 
    Description: An opportunity to apply basic conducting skills to various instrumental ensembles. Includes a survey of suitable literature, organizational problems, audition procedures, rehearsal techniques, program building, and interpretation.
  • MUSC 315 - Theory V

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUSC 216 
    Description: Many harmonic idioms of past half-century are considered, such as comparative analysis of dissonance; polytonality, polyrhythms; atonalism and 12- tone system; and microtonalism. Original writing in these styles required.
  • MUSC 331 - Elementary Methods

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 2

    Restriction: Admission to Step 1 of the 3-Step Process
    Description: Familiarizes students with contemporary music education methods for the elementary general music classroom. Includes teaching and learning strategies for developing singing, moving, listening, creating, and playing classroom percussion, recorders, and guitar. Specific focus on child development, characteristics of special learners, curriculum planning, and diverse musical materials. Includes three classroom observations in the field.
  • MUSC 333 - Instrumental Methods

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 2

    Restriction: Admission to Step 1 of the 3-Step Process
    Description: Familiarizes students with the instrumental music teaching process including traditional and innovative methodology; development of beliefs and values; communication, motivation, and reinforcement; curriculum development, planning, modeling, sequencing, and assessment; recruiting and retention; teaching techniques for rehearsals for the art of lesson giving and for confronting the main issues of rhythm and intonation; development of aural/visual discrimination skills; improvisation; aptitude tests and testing; classroom control; literature; and equipment.
  • MUSC 335 - Music for Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Corequisite: EDUC 242  
    Restriction: Admission to Step 1 of the 3-Step Process
    Description: Develops music education skills, techniques, and materials for students with disabilities and special needs within the music classroom setting. Legal rights of students with special needs are stressed with regard to opportunities to participate in music activities and ensembles. Must be elected concurrently with EDUC 242 . Includes field experiences in the music classroom during the EDUC 242  observation period.
  • MUSC 337 - General/Choral Methods

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: MUSC 212 , admission to Step 1 of the 3-Step Process
    Description: A pedagogical overview of music methods related to general and choral music curricula for the middle school, junior high school, and high school. Emphasizes the complex factors of adolescent behavior and physiology, administrative issues, performance expectations, and conceptually based learning that influence music teaching at this level.
  • MUSC 351 - Italian Diction and Literature

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Description: A laboratory course in Italian diction for first-semester voice majors. Meets for two hours per week. Emphasizes pronunciation for the stage and the International Phonetic Alphabet. Students demonstrate skills by singing Italian solo song literature and operatic repertoire of the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • MUSC 353 - French Diction and Literature

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Description: A laboratory course in French diction for third- or fourth-semester voice majors. Meets for two hours per week. Emphasizes pronunciation for the stage and the International Phonetic Alphabet. Students demonstrate skills by singing French solo song literature and operatic repertoire.
  • MUSC 354 - German Diction and Literature

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Description: A laboratory course in German diction for second-semester voice majors. Meets for two hours per week. Emphasizes pronunciation for the stage and the International Phonetic Alphabet. Students demonstrate skills by singing German solo and song literature and operatic repertoire.
  • MUSC 403 - Practicum in String Pedagogy

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 0/1

    Prerequisite: FBI, Act 34, and Act 151 clearances, instructor permission
    Description: Practical applications of string methods and string pedagogy techniques for instruction in hands-on teaching experiences in individual and ensemble settings. The emphasis is on sequential instruction and reflective assessment of teaching techniques and goals.
  • MUSC 404 - String Pedagogy

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Restriction: Instructor permission
    Description: The study of specific techniques of and pedagogical approaches for violin, viola, cello, and double bass in both individual and class situations.
  • MUSC 405 - Piano Pedagogy

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior standing in piano and a piano major or minor
    Description: A survey of current and significant past developments in teaching of piano, both privately and in small and large classes. The various piano methods are analyzed, compared, criticized, and adapted to each individual’s use.
  • MUSC 406 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: APMU 255  or instructor permission
    Description: Introduces vocal anatomy, the acoustics of singing, and various methods of vocal instruction. Applies pedagogical principles through mock teaching and teaching observation, and students keep a teaching journal.
  • MUSC 408 - Marching Band Techniques

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Description: Considers building a band show; alignment of ranks and files; development of a standard pace of 5 to 5 and 8 to 5; selection of music; instrumentation; techniques of developing morale; and fundamentals of uniform design.
  • MUSC 415 - Counterpoint I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUSC 216 
    Description: A study of the contrapuntal style of J. S. Bach and his contemporaries in the late Baroque era, which includes learning the essence of the “species” counterpoint of J. J. Fux and applying it to written exercises based on a given cantus firmus, as well as original compositions in the style of Bach. In addition to close study of Bach’s Two-Part Inventions and of the fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier, students hear and discuss their exercises and compositions in class so that they may learn from one another.
  • MUSC 417 - Orchestration

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUSC 216 
    Description: All instruments of orchestra are studied from the viewpoint of their contribution to the total sound of ensemble. Ranges and timbres are considered, as well as actual arranging of selected music.
  • MUSC 418 - Form and Analysis I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: MUSC 216 
    Description: Thoroughly explores the various forms of Western music through in-depth analyses of representative examples by master composers from Baroque through 20th century. Many genres are introduced, with a special emphasis on string quartet literature.
  • MUSC 420 - Professional Practices

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Junior standing
    Description: Explores skills needed to be successful, versatile, and employable in the 21st century. Includes curriculum vitae preparation, self-promotion and marketing, finding and creating opportunities, communication skills, grant-writing and resource acquisition, and developing a professional network. Taught in a seminar format with guest lectures.



  • MUSC 475 - Music Lab

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 0

    Description: All music majors must attend eight on-campus (unless preapproved) recitals and meetings per semester and all departmental recitals, as well as all recitals for their respective performance areas.
  • MUSC 481 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: May provide an in-depth study of a narrowly defined area of the discipline. Subject matter changes with repeated offering of the course.
    Repeated: May be repeated for credit.
  • MUSC 493 - Internship in Music

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-6

    Description: For music majors who wish to receive practical experience working with people in music or in areas related to music.

Nuclear Medicine Technology

  • NMDT 427 - Nuclear Scintigraphy

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Theoretical aspects of nuclear medicine imaging procedures, including applicable pathophysiology, technical aspects for data acquisition, and computer analysis of data. Systemic radionuclide therapy procedures are also discussed.
  • NMDT 428 - Radiation Physics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Applicable aspects of nuclear and atomic physics are covered both in theory and mathematical formulae. Theoretical topics include atomic and nuclear structure, radioactive decay, interactions with matter, and radionuclide production methods. Mathematical concepts discussed are the decay equation, equilibrium, and radiation dosimetry.
  • NMDT 429 - Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 3

    Description: Covers the basic principles of both in vitro and in vivo instrumentation. Also covers the design, operation, and quality control of gas detectors and scintillation detectors. Survey equipment, spectrometers, and stationary imaging devices are presented with their application to nuclear medicine. Includes hands-on laboratory experience with single channel analyzers and Anger cameras.
  • NMDT 430 - Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Description: Topics include ionization and energy transfer; molecules, cellular, tissue, and organ response to radiation; acute and chronic effects of radiation; radiation protection; licensing requirements; recordkeeping; and management of clinical radiation spills.
  • NMDT 431 - In Vivo/In Vitro Nonimaging

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Description: In vivo clinical nuclear medicine procedures not resulting in images as well as principles of in vitro radioassay are presented. Included are venipuncture, blood volumes, red cell studies, Schillings test, principles of immunology, various types of radioassay, and sensitivity and specificity of procedure.
  • NMDT 432 - Radiopharmaceuticals

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Topics include tracer theory, pharmacological actions, localization methods, radiopharmaceutical properties, radionuclide generators, radiopharmaceutical preparations and quality control, and transient vs. secular equilibrium. Routinely used radiopharmaceuticals are discussed.
  • NMDT 433 - Introduction to Tomographic Imaging

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Description: An introduction to the basic principles of cross-sectional anatomy and tomographic imaging is presented. Topics include body planes and cross-sectional anatomy of the heart, brain, liver, and lumbar spine, as applicable to nuclear medicine, and the theory and application of both SPECT and PET imaging systems.
  • NMDT 434 - Clinical Nuclear Medicine

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 40
    Credits: 16

    Prerequisite: Completion of 77cr at IUP and Phase I at NMI
    Description: Student completes 1,320 hours of supervised clinical training at an affiliate hospital. Gives instruction and participates in the performance of various clinical nuclear medicine procedures, patient care, administrative duties, radiopharmaceutical preparation and quality control, equipment quality control, quality assurance, and radiation safety. Develops both technical skills and interpersonal communication skills for incorporation into the medical community and to provide high-quality patient care.
    Previously Offered As: Offered on a pass/fail basis only.

Nanomanufacturing Technology

  • NMTT 311 - Materials, Safety, and Equipment Overview for Nanofabrication

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Corequisite: NMTT 312 
    Description: Focuses on cleanroom protocol and provides an overview of the materials, safety, and equipment issues encountered in the practice of “top down” and “bottom up” nanofabrication.
  • NMTT 312 - Basic Nanofabrication Processes

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Corequisite: NMTT 311 
    Description: A hands-on introduction to the processing sequences involved in “top down,” “bottom up,” and hybrid nanofabrication. Focuses on a step-by-step description of the processes integration needed to fabricate devices and structures.
  • NMTT 313 - Thin Films in Nanofabrication

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Corequisite: NMTT 311  and NMTT 312 
    Description: Provides a detailed understanding of the use and processing of thin film materials in nanofabrication. Emphasizes the understanding and operation of the state-of-the-art deposition and etching processing equipment in the Penn State Nanofabrication Facility cleanrooms.
  • NMTT 314 - Lithography and Patterning Techniques

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Corequisite: NMTT 311 
    Description: Provides knowledge and hands-on treatment to all aspects of advanced lithography and pattern generation processes, covering topics from substrate preparation to exposure using pattern transfer equipment such as stamping and embossing, ion and e-beam, and optical contact and stepper.
  • NMTT 315 - Materials Modifications in Nanofabrication

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Corequisite: NMTT 311 
    Description: Provides detailed knowledge of the processing steps used in modifying material properties in nanofabrication, including molecular functionalization, cross-linking, metal silicidation, material oxidation, material nitridation, barrier materials, alloying, stress control, annealing, and doping.
  • NMTT 316 - Characterization, Packaging, and Testing of Nanofabrication Structures

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Corequisite: NMTT 311 
    Description: Addresses the issues and examines a variety of techniques and measurements essential for testing and controlling the final device fabrication, performance, and packaging.


  • IMAG 101 - Careers in Medical Imaging

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Description: Explores various imaging tracts including Nuclear Medicine Technology, Echocardiography, and Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Ultrasound). Examines the current health care environment and discusses regulatory bodies required for professional credentials. Discusses aspects of culturally centric care. Provides opportunities for effective communication techniques to enhance student-patient interaction.
  • IMAG 480 - Medical Imaging Seminar

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Junior standing
    Restriction: Medical Imaging major
    Description: Builds on the natural science and liberal studies curriculum. Focuses on fundamental concepts that apply to the practice of medical imaging. Addresses elements of quality and safety in the healthcare environment, interpersonal communication in the workplace, and code of ethics and legal frameworks that impact healthcare decisions.
  • NURS 101 - Disaster Awareness

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Description: A basic understanding of the essentials of disaster planning, responding to mass casualty incidents, and postdisaster restoration of basic public health. Introduces a basic overview of health issues caused by biological, chemical, explosive, and natural disasters.
  • NURS 143 - Healthy People—Promoting Wellness

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: An introduction to the pathway of health and wellness through contributions to one’s environment and community. The interconnectedness of self, others, nature, and society on one’s health and wellness is emphasized. Students are guided through decision-making processes regarding life choices to maximize personal well-being. A personal wellness plan that incorporates aspects of physical and social health is developed using the Healthy People framework. Completion of NURS 143 fulfills the Liberal Studies Dimensions of Wellness requirement. Other 143 courses will also fulfill this requirement, and any of these courses may be substituted for each other and may be used interchangeably for D/F repeats but may not be counted for duplicate credit.
  • NURS 202 - Foundations of Child Health

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Focuses on conditions that affect the health of children. An overview of the structure and function of selected body systems. Emphasizes the development of each system during infancy and childhood. The impact of common acute and chronic diseases on children is incorporated. Health promotion concepts are addressed.
  • NURS 211 - Fundamentals I Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Nursing majors only, BIOL 150  grade of “C” or better; CHEM 101 , CHEM 102 ; sophomore standing; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 212  or permission
    Description: Presents concepts and basic nursing skills fundamental to the safe practice of professional nursing. A foundation for students to build their professional knowledge base as well as develop interpersonal and psychomotor skills in a variety of settings with a focus on patient-centered care for adults and older adults.
  • NURS 212 - Fundamentals I Theory

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Nursing majors only, BIOL 150  grade of “C” or better; CHEM 101 , CHEM 102 ; sophomore standing; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 211  or permission
    Description: Introduces students to the nursing discipline, nursing process, professional standards, and values that are foundational to practice. Provides an overview of the various levels of healthcare services and the professional nursing role. Concepts for effective nurse-client relationships are examined including therapeutic communication, evidence-based nursing interventions, quality patient-centered care, and safe nursing practice.
  • NURS 213 - Fundamentals II Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: NURS 211 , NURS 212  with grades of “C” or better
    Corequisite: NURS 214 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIOL 240 

    Description: Builds on the Fundamentals I Clinical course. Opportunities for students to continue to develop professional knowledge and skills with diverse individuals and families in a variety of settings with a focus on adults and older adults. Emphasizes developing the ability to perform comprehensive health assessments, use therapeutic communication, and provide basic nursing skills while promoting safe and quality health care.
  • NURS 214 - Health Assessment

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: NURS 211 , NURS 212  with grades of “C” or better
    Corequisite: NURS 213 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIOL 240  with a grade of “C” or better

    Description: An introduction to basic health assessment for the purpose of determining a client’s health status. Students learn to conduct a comprehensive health history and physical assessment on adults and older adults. Incorporates concepts of human anatomy and physiology in the assessment of clients. Identifies appropriate nursing interventions to promote health.
  • NURS 236 - Fundamentals II Theory

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: NURS 211 , NURS 212  with grades of “C” or better
    Corequisite: NURS 213 , NURS 214 ; or permission
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIOL 240  with a grade of “C” or better

    Description: Introduces students to fundamental nursing concepts that apply to the practice of professional nursing. Topics include elements of holistic care, promotion of psychosocial and physiologic health, and introduction to medication administration in nursing practice. Provides physiological rationale for nursing interventions with a focus on knowledge and skills to ensure safe delivery of nursing care.
  • NURS 306 - Problem Solving in Nursing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: NURS 213, 214, and 236 or special permission
    Description: Opportunities to recognize and develop intervention strategies for problem solving in clinical nursing situations. Emphasizes developing application and analysis skills required for success in the Nursing program.
  • NURS 311 - Introduction to Nursing Informatics

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: NURS 211 , NURS 212 , NURS 213 , NURS 214 , NURS 236 
    Description: An introduction to basic nursing informatics for the purpose of role development of the emerging contemporary nurse. Incorporates concepts of metastructures and tools used in the workflow process. Examines legislative, cultural, and safety aspects. Discusses current and future applications emerging from the science of informatics.
  • NURS 312 - Professional Nursing

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: ENGL 202  
    Corequisite: NURS 330  and NURS 331 ; or NURS 332  and NURS 333 ; or NURS 336  and NURS 337 ; or permission 
    Description: Examines values, cultural issues, code of ethics, global and national health care policy, regulatory environments, professional standards and legal frameworks that impact health care decisions, determine professional conduct, and guide interactions with clients, families, and health care team members. Utilizes ethical decision-making frameworks to guide professional nursing practice. Focuses on developing the necessary skills to engage in scholarly writings and presentation.
  • NURS 314 - Health Policy and Law

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Focuses on understanding the evolution of healthcare policy, health law, and federal and state regulation of healthcare financing programs. Introduces healthcare policy making; critical health policy issues; legislative, regulatory, and legal challenges; and legislative and political processes that impact the healthcare delivery system in the United States.
    Cross-Listed: (Cross-listed as ELR 314 .)
  • NURS 316 - Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: ENGL 202 , MATH 217  
    Corequisite: NURS 330  and NURS 331 ; or NURS 332  and NURS 333 ; or NURS 336  and NURS 337 ; or permission 
    Description: Focuses on understanding and critiquing nursing research. Emphasizes understanding the research process and utilization of current evidence in nursing practice. Focuses on developing the necessary skills to engage in scholarly writing and presentation.
  • NURS 330 - Care of the Child and Family

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: FDNT 212 , PSYC 215 , grades of “C” or better in BIOL 240 , BIOL 241 , NURS 213 , NURS 214 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 331 , NURS 312  or NURS 316 ; or permission
    Description: Focuses on knowledge essential to providing nursing care to the child and family. Emphasizes prevention, recognition, implementation of the nursing process, and appropriate interventions for safe care of the child. Applies evidence-based practice for the care of children and families.
  • NURS 331 - Care of the Child and Family Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 6
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: FDNT 212 , PSYC 215 , grades of “C” or better in BIOL 240 , BIOL 241 , NURS 213 , NURS 214 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 330 , NURS 312  or NURS 316 ; or permission
    Description: Provides students with opportunities to apply the nursing process with children and their families in a variety of settings and demonstrate nursing professionalism in their interactions with individuals, families, and community. Increases students’ ability to perform comprehensive health assessments and collaborate with members of the health care team to identify problems, plan, intervene, and evaluate care for children and families. Emphasizes safe, comprehensive, evidence-based nursing care, and professional standards of practice.
  • NURS 332 - Maternal-Neonatal Health

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: FDNT 212 , PSYC 215 ; grades of “C” or better in BIOL 240 , BIOL 241 , NURS 213 , NURS 214 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 333 , NURS 312  or NURS 316 ; or permission
    Description: Focuses on knowledge essential to providing nursing care for pregnant women, neonates, and postpartum patients within a family context. Emphasizes implementation of the nursing process and appropriate interventions for safe care. Applies evidence-based practice for the care of pregnant women, neonates, and postpartum patients.
  • NURS 333 - Maternal-Neonatal Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 6
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: FDNT 212 , PSYC 215 ; grades of “C” or better in BIOL 240 , BIOL 241 , NURS 213 , NURS 214 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 332 , NURS 312  or NURS 316 ; or permission
    Description: Provides students opportunities to apply the nursing process with pregnant women, neonates, postpartum patients, and their families in a variety of settings and demonstrate nursing professionalism in their interactions with individuals, families, and community. Increases students’ ability to perform comprehensive health assessments and collaborate with members of the health care team to identify problems, plan, intervene, and evaluate care for pregnant women, neonates, postpartum patients, and their families. Emphasizes safe, patient-centered comprehensive, evidence-based nursing care, and professional standards of practice.
  • NURS 334 - Transitions in Professional Nursing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Restriction: Licensed Practical Nurse
    Description: Explores the dynamic nature of health and its impact on the practice of nursing. Nursing theories, concepts, and issues related to nursing practice are analyzed. Linkages among theory, research, and practice are explored for relevance and utility.
  • NURS 336 - Adult Health I

    Class Hours: 4
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: FDNT 212 , PSYC 215 ; grades of “C” or better in BIOL 240 , BIOL 241 , NURS 213 , NURS 214 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 337 , NURS 312  or NURS 316 ; or permission
    Description: Introduces the student to disease processes and prevention, collaborative care, and implementation of the nursing process for adults and older adults. Enhances student knowledge regarding assessing human response to changing health and applying the appropriate nursing intervention for safe, patient-centered care. Applies evidence-based practice for the care of adults and older adults.
  • NURS 337 - Adult Health I Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 15
    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite: FDNT 212 , PSYC 215 ; grades of “C” or better in BIOL 240 , BIOL 241 , NURS 213 , NURS 214 , NURS 236 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 336 , NURS 312  or NURS 316 ; or permission
    Description: Provides students with opportunities to apply the nursing process to adults and older adults in a variety of settings and demonstrate nursing professionalism in their interactions with individuals, families, and community. Increases students’ ability to perform comprehensive health assessments and collaborate with members of the health care team to identify problems, plan, intervene, and evaluate care for adults and older adults. Emphasizes safe, patient-centered comprehensive, evidence-based nursing care, and professional standards of practice.
  • NURS 340 - Nursing Pharmacology

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: NURS 236   or permission
    Description: Provides the nursing student with a pathophysiological approach to the therapeutic use of medications. Relationships between pharmacology and pathophysiology are explored. An emphasis will be placed on understanding prescribed pharmacotherapy, therapeutic goals, nursing assessment and interventions, and patient well-being related to the effects of specific diseases or conditions
  • NURS 410 - Health Promotion and Social Issues

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: ANTH 211 , PHIL 122 , SOC 151 
    Description: An introduction to current social issues, models, and evidence-based research in health promotion, disease prevention, and population health relevant to individuals and communities. Explores individual and population health promotion assessment, health behavior interventions, and disease prevention in diverse populations to improve patient and population health outcomes. Develops and implements an intervention and prevention plan which addresses individual and population health problems. Critiques research and evidence-based practice relevant to population health.
  • NURS 412 - Nursing Management

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 330 , NURS 331 , NURS 332 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 436 , NURS 437 , NURS 440  
    Description: Emphasizes leadership, communication and relationship building, knowledge of the health care environment, and resource management. Discusses leadership/management skills and processes. Examines the role of designer/ manager/coordinator of care in professional nursing in depth.
  • NURS 414 - Health Policy and Patient Advocacy

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Restriction: Junior standing
    Description: Focuses on the legislative, regulatory, political, and advocacy issues including safeguarding autonomy, and promoting the social justice process that impacts the healthcare delivery services in the US. Examines the impact of policy and politics on healthcare, social equity, accessibility, cost, and affordability. Examines their role in health policy development at the federal, state, and local level. Analyzes selected policies for their effect on social issues, healthcare finance and delivery. Explores the influence of global health.
  • NURS 431 - Public/Community Nursing Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 6
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 331 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 434 
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: NURS 330 , NURS 332 

    Description: Opportunities for clinical practice as a provider of public/community health nursing care for the individual, family, population, and global community and to function as a member of the interprofessional team when working among diverse and/or vulnerable populations. Emphasis is placed on leadership, management, and providing safe, comprehensive, evidence-based nursing care. The effect of health policy on client care is an integral part of the course.
  • NURS 432 - Psychiatric/Mental Health

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 331 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 433 
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: NURS 330 , NURS 332 

    Description: Focuses on the principles, concepts, and best practices that guide nursing practice in a variety of psychiatric/mental health settings. Addresses the role of the nurse in primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention/intervention as it relates to individuals, families, and aggregates with mental health and psychiatric conditions.
  • NURS 433 - Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 6
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 331 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 432 
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: NURS 330 , NURS 332 

    Description: Focuses on opportunities to provide mental health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention in a variety of settings and diverse populations. Increases students’ ability to perform as a member of inter-professional teams in acute and community-based psychiatric care facilities and to identify personal beliefs and how they impact the therapeutic relationship. Students assimilate evidence-based practice through critical reasoning to apply nursing strategies to assist individuals, families, and groups.
  • NURS 434 - Public/Community Nursing

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 331 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 431 
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: NURS 330 , NURS 332 

    Description: Focuses on public/community health nursing care for the individual, family, population, and global community. Examines the influences of the health care delivery systems and theoretical frameworks applicable to public/community health. Considers the impact of technology, environment, society, and current issues in public/community health nursing.
  • NURS 436 - Adult Health II

    Class Hours: 4
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 330 , NURS 331 , NURS 332 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 412 , NURS 437 , NURS 440 ; or permission
    Description: Focuses on the adult and older adult, family, and community with critical and/or complex health problems and with a patient-centered approach to nursing care. Emphasizes the relationships among clinical manifestations of disease states, treatment, cultural influences, and associated nursing responsibilities. Focuses on utilizing students’ knowledge base of diagnostics, pharmacology, interventions, and rehabilitation needs through critical reasoning to plan the care of patients with critical and/or complex health problems. Emphasizes the incorporation of evidence-based practice interventions into nursing practice.
  • NURS 437 - Adult Health II Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 7.5
    Credits: 2.5

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 330 , NURS 331 , NURS 332 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 412 , NURS 436 , NURS 440 ; or permission
    Description: Opportunities for clinical practice as a provider of care for critical and/or complex, acutely ill clients in a variety of settings. Places emphasis on leadership, management, and providing safe, comprehensive, evidence-based nursing care. Utilizes patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe, patient-centered nursing care.
  • NURS 440 - Nursing Management Clinical

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 7.5
    Credits: 2.5

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 330 , NURS 331 , NURS 332 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 412 , NURS 436 , NURS 437 ; or permission
    Description: An opportunity for students to incorporate delegation and prioritization skills when caring for multiple patients in an adult health acute care setting. Emphasizes leadership skills and management principles to ensure delivery of high-quality, evidence-based, cost-effective care.
  • NURS 450 - A Cognitive Approach to Clinical Problem Solving

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: NURS 312 , NURS 316 ; grades of “C” or better in NURS 330 , NURS 331 , NURS 332 , NURS 333 , NURS 336 , NURS 337 ; or permission
    Corequisite: NURS 431  or NURS 433  or NURS 440  or NURS 437 ; or permission
    Description: Focuses on advanced clinical problem-solving and decision-making skills needed by professional nurses. Factors that influence clinical problem solving are examined to facilitate higher-level thinking in simulated clinical situations.
  • NURS 455 - Health Care Informatics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Focuses on aspects of acquiring, storing, retrieving, and effectively utilizing health information to support decision making, knowledge, and outcomes. Combines concepts, theory, and practice from the cognitive, computer, and information sciences.

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