Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Credit designation at right of title is expressed in (c) class hours per week, (l) lab or (d) discussion section hours per week, and (cr) number of credits per semester.


Journalism and Public Relations

  • JRNL 250 - Women and the Press

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: ENGL 101  or ENGL 103  
    Description: Explores the role of women in American journalism. Includes study of lives/careers of women journalists and their specific contributions to the profession. Emphasizes evolution of equal opportunity for women and other minorities in the American press. Attention to the changing definition of news as influenced by the inclusion of women and minorities in editorial roles.
  • JRNL 261 - Introduction to the Magazine Industry

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or instructor permission
    Description: Introduces the magazine industry, how it is managed, how it functions, its strategies, and its roles and goals in society.
  • JRNL 281 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Offered on an experimental or temporary basis to explore topics not included in the established curriculum. A given topic may be offered under any special topic identity no more than three times. Special topics numbered 281 are offered primarily for lower-level undergraduate students.
  • JRNL 301 - Presentation Making

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Gives practice in writing and making oral presentations based on public relations cases and problems. Familiarizes the student with problem-solving and small-group communication skills necessary for those working in the area of public affairs.
  • JRNL 310 - Writing for Online Media

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 120  or JRNL 220  or instructor permission
    Description: Teaches techniques to help students develop reporting, writing, and editing skills to communicate effectively in an online media environment. Focuses on the continuum of the online news cycle, nonlinear nature, and interactive elements of the online platform and fundamental differences and similarities between online and traditional media, including ethical and legal uses.
  • JRNL 321 - Feature Writing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 102 , JRNL 220 
    Description: For the student who might work in journalism or who might wish to write on a part-time or freelance basis.
  • JRNL 325 - Public Relations Campaigns

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 126 , JRNL 220 
    Description: An advanced public relations course that teaches students to plan a comprehensive public relations campaign from start to finish, following the Research, Plan, Execute, Evaluate Model. Students outline plans for contacting media outlets and creating and maintaining social media communities. They create slogans and advertisements consistent with branding.
  • JRNL 327 - Layout, Design, and Production

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 105  or COMM 101 
    Description: Teaches basic techniques and theories of layout, design, and production, including typography, copy fitting, photos/art cropping and scaling, and steps in design process. Includes desktop publishing in the design of ads, newspapers, newspapers, newsletters, brochures, and magazines.
  • JRNL 328 - News Reporting

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grades of “C” or better in JRNL 102 , JRNL 105 , and JRNL 220 ; majors only
    Description: Includes instruction in writing the news story, preparing copy, interviewing, covering special events, and similar reporting activities.
  • JRNL 337 - Editing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 120  or JRNL 220 
    Description: Stresses basic practices such as copyediting and headline writing while also focusing on guidelines for improving accuracy, clarity, transition, spelling, and punctuation of copy. Students use wire service stylebook extensively.
  • JRNL 344 - Issues and Problems

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 105  or COMM 101 
    Description: Examines critical case histories of ethical and professional situations and circumstances in the mass communication industry in a lecture and discussion format.
  • JRNL 345 - Sports Journalism

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 220 
    Description: Emphasizes skills for covering, writing, and editing of sports and introduces specific practices in newspaper, radio-TV, and sports information work.
  • JRNL 347 - Journalism Law and Ethics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 105  or COMM 101 , permission
    Description: Introduces students to the laws that govern the mass media in America, notably libel, privacy, and free press/fair trial and their impact on First Amendment rights of a free press. Also focuses on media ethics and its application in journalism.
  • JRNL 361 - Presentation Making

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Emphasizes methods and skills used to make effective oral presentations, including principles of organization and research, creating focuses messages, language choices and delivery techniques, such as team oral presentations and platform presentations.  Addresses supporting materials and the integration of technology with oral communication to deliver presentations appropriate to audiences across various disciplines.
  • JRNL 375 - World News Coverage

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, instructor permission
    Description: Challenges students to compare and contrast the coverage of international news sources from around the world and how they impact people’s awareness, attitudes, and behavior in a multiculturally differentiated world. Emphasis is placed on interpreting comparative coverage of events among the developing world and the Western-dominated international news media sources and understanding the geopolitics of world news. Students critique not only current international news but, more important, how it is reported. The goal is to foster a critical and analytical attitude toward news to gain a broad-based, balanced, global, and multicultural awareness of the human subjects of international news.
  • JRNL 400 - Professional Preparation and Portfolio

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 328 
    Description: Prepares majors for the professional world by exploring short- and long-term career goals, creating materials for self-marketing, and managing the personal and behavioral transition from college to the workplace in newspapers, magazines, public relations, and visual journalism.
  • JRNL 425 - Entertainment PR

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 126 , JRNL 220 
    Description: An advanced public relations course that explores image building, image repair, and personal public relations as they relate to the entertainment industry. Students critically examine the entertainment field—to include sports, tourism, music, theater, movies—through a public relations lens.
  • JRNL 430 - Public Opinion and the News Media

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior standing
    Description: Deals with understanding and measuring public opinion. Emphasizes critically analyzing the historical origins and the dynamics of public opinion in the policymaking process as well as the role of the news media in public opinion. Students then measure people’s thinking on any given issue or issues.
  • JRNL 450 - Advertising Writing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 220 , instructor permission
    Description: A basic course in the preparation of advertising copy and continuity for all media. A combination of lecture and laboratory course. Enrollment is limited to upperclass majors.
  • JRNL 466 - Community Journalism

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior standing, permission
    Description: Emphasizes practical knowledge and skills in identifying, covering, and writing professionally about community issues and events, including local government, public affairs, the courts, and breaking news. Students also learn how to interview community leaders and use a variety of sources to access relevant information.
  • JRNL 481 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Topics vary from semester to semester, covering a number of journalism specialties. From time to time they are converted to permanent course numbers. Special topics numbered 481 are offered primarily for upper-level undergraduate students.
  • JRNL 482 - Independent Study

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-6

    Restriction: Prior approval through advisor, faculty member, department chairperson, dean, and Office of the Provost
    Description: Opportunities for independent study that go beyond the usual classroom activities. Approval based on academic appropriateness and availability of resources; enrollment is limited to 15 upperclass majors per semester.
  • JRNL 483 - Honors Thesis

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Students must be a journalism and public relations major, hold a 3.25 cumulative GPA and a 3.5 GPA in the major, and obtain departmental permission. All required courses in the major must be completed before applying for this course.
    Description: Approval is based on academic appropriateness and availability of resources. One semester of research and writing will culminate in an honors thesis. Honors theses are approved by the department and completed under the direction of a department professor who specializes in the students’ area of interest.
  • JRNL 490 - Public Relations Writing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 126 , JRNL 220 
    Description: A public relations writing class that includes assignments such as releases, features, newsletters, reports, biographies, rewrites, hometown stories, copyediting, interviewing, research, and special projects.
  • JRNL 492 - Problem Solving in Public Relations

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: JRNL 126 
    Description: Introduces techniques for analyzing and tracking information flow in organizations. Introduces creative problem-solving techniques that are standard practice in corporate research groups.
  • JRNL 493 - Internship

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 6-12

    Prerequisite: Grades of “C” or better in JRNL 102 , JRNL 105 , JRNL 220 , JRNL 328 , JRNL 347 , JRNL 400 ; 2.3 cumulative GPA and 2.5 GPA in the major; department approval
    Description: On-the-job training opportunities in journalism and related areas.
    Repeated: Maximum of 6cr may be applied to 34cr minimum of major.

Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science

  • KHSS 135 - Careers in Kinesiology, Health, and Sport

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Restriction: Health and physical education, physical education and sport, or athletic training majors
    Description: Emphasizes development of attributes associated with professionalism and examines occupational opportunities that exist for students majoring in kinesiology, health, and sport.
  • KHSS 143 - Wellness

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Choose one:


    Contemporary Women’s Wellness 
    Explores issues relating to the physical, emotional, and social aspects of special significance to women’s health across the life span. Within the context of contemporary lifestyle and cultural influences, relevant health information affecting women of all ages, races, and ethnicities is presented. Current trends in the prevention and control of chronic diseases and health disorders as well as practical applications of information and resources to help each student develop a personal wellness plan and the knowledge to become a women’s health advocate are emphasized. Successful completion fulfills the Liberal Studies Dimensions of Wellness requirements. Other143 courses also fulfill this requirement, and any of these courses may be substituted for each other and may be used interchangeably for D/F repeats
    but may not be counted for duplicated credit.

    Physical Well-Being 
    An overview of personal health and wellness. Emphasis is given to physicaldimension in the attainment of well-being. Topical areas include, but are not limited to, exercise and fitness, healthy eating and weight management, substance use and abuse, disease prevention, and  sexuality. Also covers stress management and emotional wellness. Guides in the development of an individualized wellness plan to improve overall physical well-being. Successful completion fulfills the Liberal Studies Dimensions of Wellness requirement. Other 143 courses also fulfill this requirement, and any of these courses may be substituted for each other and may be used interchangeably for D/F repeats but may not be counted for duplicate credit.

    Wellness through Strength Training 
    Promotes the attainment of personal well-being through the use of a comprehensive strength training program. Students will focus on the attainment of improved wellness by creating and participating in an exercise regime that focuses on muscular fi tness, fl exibility, and body composition. The exercise program will utilize a variety of resistive regimes including kettle bells, dumbbell circuits, and plyometrics. Students will evaluate their current level of fitness then participate in a physical activity self-improvement program. Meets Dimensions of Wellness for Liberal Studies requirement. Other 143 courses will also fulfill this requirement, and any of these courses may be substituted for each other and may be used interchangeably

  • KHSS 146 - Foundations of Exercise Science

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Description: Examines the historical development of the exercise science field. Focuses on the importance of professionalism, certifications, and credentialing to be successful in the field. Reviews a variety of sub-disciplines, research, and current career opportunities in the field.
  • KHSS 175 - Prevention and Care of Injuries to the Physically Active

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Description: Presents general information related to the prevention, recognition, and care of both acute and chronic injuries common to participants of physical activity/fitness and athletics. Includes prevention techniques, the classification and staging of injury conditions, and basic evaluation techniques, as well as emergency management and follow-up care procedures.
  • KHSS 185 - Introduction to Athletic Training

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Addresses the historical development of athletic training and the scope of present programs. Introduces the domains and competencies of the athletic training profession.
  • KHSS 209 - Motor Behavior

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Restriction: Must be a major enrolled in Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science Department or instructor permission
    Description: Studies the process of human motor behavior across the life span, specifically examining how development of mental and motor abilities affects human movement. Students are required to have appropriate child background clearances.
  • KHSS 213 - Recreational Sports and Lifetime Activities

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: EDSP 102 , KHSS 135 
    Description: Provides exposure to contemporary recreational sports and lifetime physical activities. Includes an overview of all aspects for multiple physical activities, including the history, equipment, fundamental skills and assessment, rules, strategy, and etiquette.
  • KHSS 216 - Instruction of Fundamental Movement Skills

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: EDSP 102 , KHSS 209 
    Description: An introduction to instructional methods of fundamental movement categories such as motor skills, manipulative, body management, rhythmic movement, and game skills. Emphasis is on program standards, objectives, and assessments for ages 6-12. An overview of characteristics of children and appropriate activities for this age group. Includes opportunities to improve personal skills, develop units, and teach peers and school-age children. (Titled Teaching Elementary Physical Education before 2015-16.)
  • KHSS 218 - Instruction of Tactical Skills and Fitness Concepts

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: EDSP 102 , KHSS 216 
    Description: An introduction to instructional methods in strategic game skills used in many sports and activities with an emphasis on program standards, objectives, and assessments for ages 12-18. Strategies and techniques of instructing personal fitness for adolescents is also be covered. An overview of characteristics of adolescents and appropriate activities for this age group. Includes opportunities to improve personal skills, develop units, and teach adolescents ages 12-18. (Titled Teaching Secondary Physical Education before 2015-16.)
  • KHSS 221 - Human Structure and Function

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Anatomical organization of the human body, surveyed in sufficient depth to prepare students for physiology, biomechanics, and adaptive physical education.
  • KHSS 225 - Social Issues in Sport

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Sport is a topic that permeates virtually all aspects of society. Investigates sport from historical, philosophical, and social perspectives. Various social theories are used to examine the interaction of sport and society through exploration of issues related to business, deviance, disability, gender, media, social class, politics, and race as they pertain to sport.
  • KHSS 251 - Foundations of Safety and Emergency Health Care

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Focuses on accident prevention, injury control, and first responder’s skills. Emphasizes identification of causes of accidents, recommended countermeasures, and mitigation. American Red Cross certifications are issued in (1) standard first aid, (2) community CPR, (3) instructor of standard first aid, and (4) instructor of community CPR.
  • KHSS 252 - Introduction to the Driving Task

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Description: Provides an in-depth treatment of operating a motor vehicle competently in all major variations and under most conditions encountered in traffic. A competent operator is one who performs the total driving task knowledgeably and skillfully and demonstrates full understanding and application of identification, prediction, decision, and execution process.
  • KHSS 256 - Applied Human Structure and Conditioning

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Restriction: Physical education and sport/sport administration major
    Description: The emphasis is on developing an anatomical and physiological knowledge base as it applies to exercise, conditioning, and training of the physically active. Specific body systems presented include skeletal, muscular, cardio-respiratory, and nervous. Components of each system are addressed as they pertain to exercise and training concepts, such as speed, strength, muscular and cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, aerobic capacity, power, and other physiological factors related to performance and physical activity.
  • KHSS 261 - Water Safety Instructor

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Basic swimming skills
    Description: Students learn to teach children and adults basic swimming and water safety skills. Emphasis placed on proper body mechanics and teaching progressions. Students have opportunity to earn American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor certification upon successful completion of requirements.
  • KHSS 263 - Aquatics

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 1

    Description: Basic performance techniques in swimming strokes presented with special emphasis on teaching methodology, aquatic sports and games, water safety, skin diving, springboard diving, and other aquatic activities.
  • KHSS 270 - Sport Communication

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: ENGL 101  or ENGL 103  

    Provides an overview of sport communication, focusing on different communicative contexts including interpersonal, organizational, and public communication. Emphasizes media relations and skills essential for sport communication professionals, including handling media interactions, crises, and integration of positive public relation strategies. (Also offered as COMM 270 ; may not be taken for duplicate credit.)

  • KHSS 280 - Aquatic Management and Operation

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Prepares the aquatic professional for management and operation of various aquatic facilities and venues. Includes topics on facility design and renovation, staff recruitment and management, risk management and facility safety concepts, legal aspects of aquatics, programming a profitable aquatic facility, and facility inspections. Offers nationally recognized certifications as part of the content delivery (Additional Fees May Apply).
  • KHSS 281 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Offered on an experimental or temporary basis to explore topics not included in the established curriculum. A given topic may be offered under any special topic identity no more than three times. Special topics numbered 281 are offered primarily for lower-level undergraduate students.
  • KHSS 285 - Group/Individual Exercise Leadership

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Physical education and sport/exercise science majors, KHSS 221  with a grade of “C” or better, or BIOL 150  with a grade C or better
    Description: Provides theoretical knowledge of leadership skills necessary to design, implement, and evaluate safe and effective exercise programs in group and individual settings. An emphasis is placed on group exercise leadership and fitness instruction. Students are also introduced to the management and administration of such programs. Observations within the field are required, as well as opportunities to apply introductory concepts of exercise training through practical application.
  • KHSS 286 - Personal Training Practicum

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 221  or BIOL 150 
    Description: Provides theoretical knowledge of leadership skills necessary to design, implement, and evaluate safe and effective personal training programs. Requires networking within the field as well as opportunities to apply introductory concepts of exercise training and business development through practical application.
  • KHSS 287 - Aquatic Fitness Instruction

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: KHSS 285  
    Description: Provides a basic introduction to methods and techniques for aquatic fitness instruction. Introduces several different approaches to aquatic exercise and fitness from the client and instructor perspectives. Prepares students to lead individual and group exercise instruction in water-based environments to a variety of different populations.
  • KHSS 292 - Introduction to Sport Management

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Introduces theories and practices in the field of sport management. Emphasizes management principles, leadership competencies, ethical principles, and governance in the sport industry. An introduction to sport marketing, sport finance, and sport law is provided.
  • KHSS 315 - Biomechanics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in KHSS 221  or a grade of “C” or better in BIOL 150 
    Description: A study of the relationship between mechanical and physical principles and human movement.
  • KHSS 316 - Instruction of Child Health Concepts

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: EDSP 102 , KHSS 135  
    Description: Introduces the theories of instruction and methods for teaching health education to elementary school-aged children. Identifies developmentally appropriate teaching methods and activities, reviews and assesses current health curriculum, and demonstrates the use of technology in the instructional setting. Provides opportunities for observation, lesson planning, and teaching of health education to children. (Titled Teaching Elementary Health Education before 2015-16.)
  • KHSS 318 - Preprofessional Experience I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 209 , KHSS 216 , health and physical education majors only
    Description: Students assist a university faculty member teach in several instructional settings, including elementary school physical education program or community-based wellness programs. Students have the opportunity to apply pedagogical theory and concepts related to various professional areas. Emphasis is on planning, developing, implementing, and assessing educational experiences.
  • KHSS 319 - Field Practicum I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Sophomore status
    Description: An initial experience in the professional work setting. Combines classroom theory with practical application through job-related experience to build on professional knowledge and skills. (Titled Preprofessional Experience II before 2016-17.)
  • KHSS 320 - Managing Facilities and Events in Sport

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Investigates the management functions necessary to operate a variety of sport facilities. Emphasizes liability risk reduction, staffing, design and renovation, maintenance, and amenities pertinent to sport facilities. Strategies for managing a sporting event are presented and practiced.
  • KHSS 325 - School and Community Health

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Introduces the role of school and community in protecting and promoting the health of its members. Topics include historical development of the concepts of health and health education, identification of national and community goals to reduce risk of disease and enhance health status, and the responsibilities of both school and community toward achieving these goals.
  • KHSS 333 - Psychology of Coaching

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Emphasizes the interaction between sport psychology and coaching strategies. Includes history of sports psychology, motivating athletes, coaching various personality types, and controlling emotions and stress in athletes. Focuses on the impact of social influence, group dynamics, and character development on sport performance. Examines aggression in sport as well as gender differences and cultural diversity issues.
  • KHSS 335 - Athletic Coaching

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Emphasizes coaching strategies and techniques for all sports. Includes coaching philosophy and style, motivating athletes and managing their behavior, teaching technical and tactical skills, and planning an approach to games and practices. Focuses on conditioning techniques, proper nutrition, and drug and alcohol prevention in athletes. The administration of the team, parents, referees, and liability risks is stressed. Examines aggression in sport, gender differences, cultural diversity issues, and the use of sport psychology strategies.
  • KHSS 341 - Evaluations and Analytics in Kinesiology

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior standing
    Description: Evaluation theory, instructional objectives, and cognitive test construction; technical and practical considerations in testing and interpretation of test results in both health and physical education.
  • KHSS 343 - Physiology of Exercise

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Health and physical education, physical education and sport/exercise science, athletic training majors and a grade of “C” or better in KHSS 221  or C or higher in BIOL 150 
    Description: Physiological effects of exercise in humans. Major factors of diet, conditioning, physical fitness, maximum performance level, and fatigue.
  • KHSS 344 - Adapted Physical Activity and Sport

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 209  and one of the following: KHSS 221 , KHSS 256 , or BIOL 150 
    Description: Recognition of structural deviations, corrective exercises, physical activity, and sport for individuals with a wide range of disabilities
  • KHSS 345 - Survey of Orthopedic Injuries in Sport and Exercise

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grades of “C” or better in KHSS 221  or BIOL 150 , and KHSS 185 
    Description: A survey of common musculoskeletal injuries associated with participation in athletic activities, with emphasis on etiology, pathophysiology, and classification. General injury assessment and management procedures are also presented.
  • KHSS 346 - Preventive and Acute Care Skills in Athletic Training

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 1

    Corequisite: KHSS 345 
    Description: Develops essential athletic training skills for the beginning and intermediate athletic training student. Emphasizes athletic taping and wrapping, open and closed wound care, vital signs and anthropometric measurements, immobilization and ambulation devices, protective equipment fitting, and transportation and transfer of the injured athlete.
  • KHSS 347 - Physiology of Exercise Laboratory

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 1

    Corequisite: KHSS 343 
    Description: Laboratory experiences to illustrate physiological responses to exercise. Skills associated with the use of current laboratory equipment and techniques are developed. Supplements lecture-based content from KHSS 343 .
  • KHSS 351 - Sport Finance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: ECON 121 , ECON 122  , and grade of “C” or better in KHSS 292  
    Description: Provides information concerning the application of finance and accounting principles to managerial control of sport organizations. Examines current economic and financial issues that impact the sports industry. Topics include budget development, funding, capital projects, financial analysis, licensing, and economic impact studies related specifically to managing sport. Emphasizes specific software packages currently being used to manage sport organizations.
  • KHSS 353 - Driver Education Program Management

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Emphasizes the development, organization, and management of high school driver education from the standpoint of its historical development to its present programs designed to meet the demands of the highway transportation system. Special emphasis on the role of the teacher in conducting a high-quality program that meets with student, parent, school, and community approval.
  • KHSS 354 - Application of Driver Education Instructional Modes

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 251 , KHSS 252 , KHSS 353 
    Description: Prepares prospective driver education teachers to plan, teach, and evaluate the four modes of driver education (classroom, on-road, simulation, and multiple-vehicle range). Teaching high school students in supervised laboratory sessions is provided.
  • KHSS 365 - Orthopedic Injury Assessment in Athletic Training

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: KHSS 345 , KHSS 346 
    Description: Teaches assessment procedures, evaluation methods, and proper athletic training protocol for neuromuscular and musculoskeletal injuries. In addition, administrative issues in athletic training are addressed emphasizing accurate medical documentation. Emphasizes subjective and objective assessment and documentation of findings.
  • KHSS 370 - Adapted Health and Physical Education

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: EDSP 102 , KHSS 209 ; at least one of the following: KHSS 214 , KHSS 215 , KHSS 216 , KHSS 217 , KHSS 218 , KHSS 316 
    Description: Introduces the educational issues and methods used to effectively instruct students with disabilities and other issues that become barriers to learning. Includes a study of current laws and guidelines regarding the legal rights of students with disabilities and their parents. Identifies low and high incidence of disabilities, recognitions of structural deviation, and corrective exercises. Introduces instructional adaptations to facilitate learning in the health classroom and gymnasium.
  • KHSS 373 - Business Administration in the Fitness Industry

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Provides practical tools regarding the feasibility of business planning, acquiring and managing a staff, operational concerns for each segment of the health and fitness industry (community, corporate, clinical, community and performance settings) and program development. Addresses the recommended guidelines set forth by the professional associations within the industry.
  • KHSS 375 - Physiological Basis of Strength Training and Conditioning

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in KHSS 221  or BIOL 150 
    Description: Provides the anatomical and physiological basis of muscle function. Students also gain an understanding of changes that can be made through strength training and conditioning, along with knowledge of programs that will bring about these changes. Opportunities for working with various types of equipment are available.
  • KHSS 376 - Athletic Training Clinical Practicum I

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 345 , KHSS 346 
    Description: Develops and demonstrates proficient psychomotor skills within the domains of athletic injury prevention and acute care, in coordination with a one-semester clinical field experience. Allows an opportunity to practice and apply skills taught under the direction of a preceptor within the IUP Athletic Department or an affiliated clinical site. Emphasizes specific skills such as those relating to safety/risk management, conditioning, equipment fitting, taping and wrapping, acute care, and transportation/transfer of the injured athlete. Restricted to students seeking eligibility to sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) for the Athletic Trainer examination.
  • KHSS 377 - Athletic Training Clinical Practicum II

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 365 
    Description: Develops and demonstrates proficient psychomotor skills within the domain of athletic injury assessment, in coordination with a one-semester clinical field experience. Allows an opportunity to practice and apply skills taught under the direction of a preceptor within the IUP Athletic Department or an affiliated clinical site. Emphasizes specific skills such as those relating to anatomical landmarks’ identification, orthopedic evaluations, and neurological evaluations. Restricted to students seeking eligibility to sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) for the Athletic Trainer examination.
  • KHSS 380 - Organization and Administration in Athletic Training

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 345  or instructor permission
    Description: Presents comprehensive instruction in such areas as health care administration; program, human, information, and resource management; and ethics and legal considerations in athletic training.
  • KHSS 385 - General Medical Conditions in Athletic Training

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 345  or instructor permission
    Description: An overview of general health assessment and physical examination techniques related to the athletic population. A systemic approach is used to address issues related to the anatomy, pathology, physiology, and diagnostic testing of both general conditions and diseases of the human body.
  • KHSS 410 - Exercise Prescription

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Physical education and sport/exercise science majors and KHSS 343  with a grade of “C” or better
    Description: Teaches individuals to write exercise prescriptions based on a subject’s tolerance for physical activity. Special emphasis is on risk factors, techniques of evaluation, drugs, injuries, environmental factors, and motivation and their role in physical activity assessment.
  • KHSS 411 - Physical Fitness Appraisal

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 343  with a grade of “C” or better
    Description: Involves the selection, administration, and interpretation of various tests for appraising the physical fitness levels of individuals. Information given concerning the various fitness components and discussions held so that each student gains an understanding of the variables to be tested.
  • KHSS 413 - Physical Activity and Aging Across the Lifespan

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 343  with a grade of “C” or better
    Description: Presents major aspects of physical activity, its importance to the older adult, and the organization of an activity program. Attention to physiology of physical activity, effects of activity on growth and aging, exercise prescription, flexibility, overweight and obesity, and motivational strategies.
  • KHSS 414 - Exercise Electrocardiography

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Physical education and sport/exercise science majors and KHSS 343  with a grade of “C” or better
    Description: An introduction to the basic concepts of electrocardiography (ECG), including an understanding of electrophysiology, electrode lead placement, both rhythm strips and 12-lead interpretation. Utilizing electrocardiograms, students will also be able to recognize normal and abnormal rhythms, including those ECG abnormalities brought about by exercise. Normal and abnormal responses during Graded Exercise Testing are also interpreted.
  • KHSS 415 - Lifestyle Behavior Management for Physical Activity

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 343  with a grade of “C” or better
    Description: Examines a variety of strategies necessary to modify health behavior with an emphasis on physical activity. Focus is placed on development of skills necessary to work with clients/patients in group leadership and group-process activities to assess and assist with behavior change for both the apparently healthy and those with multifaceted chronic disease as it relates to physical activity.
  • KHSS 416 - Functional Training for Strength and Conditioning

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 343  and KHSS 375  with a grade of “C” or better
    Description: Focuses on comparing and contrasting the scientific principles associated with traditional strength training and functional strength training techniques. Examines a variety of new techniques found in the fitness and sport performance industry and provides practical experience in both traditional and functional strength training techniques.
  • KHSS 417 - Contemporary Issues in School and Community Health

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Provides pedagogical strategies relevant to educators in school and community health education settings. Assist students in identifying, analyzing, promoting, and evaluating recent developments and issues in health.
  • KHSS 418 - Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Exercise Science Major or Exercise Science Minor or completion of KHSS 343  with a C or better
    Description: Assesses health-related physical fitness using laboratory and field tests to measure the physical fitness levels of apparently healthy sedentary adults and physically active individuals. Develops skills and knowledge needed to prepare individualized exercise programs. Acquires the skills to complete health risk assessments and medical history acquisition. Applies fitness assessment skills, define fitness levels, body composition, flexibility, and strength. Provides knowledge to take the assessment data and write exercise prescriptions to improve the health of participants. Demonstrates information literacy and critical thinking skills.
  • KHSS 419 - Emergency Care and Water Safety

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Examines necessary skills that an educator should use to mitigate safety risks and to respond to emergencies in multiple environments with an emphasis on the natatorium. Involves learning to teach children and adults basic swimming and water safety skills. Provides the opportunity to earn CPR/AED/First Aid and Water Safety Instruction certifications.
  • KHSS 420 - Health Education and Promotion at the Workplace

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 325  or instructor permission
    Description: Addresses basic issues and problems in planning, implementing, and evaluating health education programming in a variety of school and worksite settings. Explores agencies and programs focused on advocacy of health education services. Emphasizes knowledge and practical skills required to become a certified health education specialist.
  • KHSS 426 - Health Science Instruction

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 316 , KHSS 318 
    Description: An overview of health curriculum with a focus on teaching methods and media of instruction. Includes unit development, opportunities for instruction, and guidelines for maintaining professional growth. Explores current research in teaching techniques, motivational strategies, and assessment of learning within a diverse population.
  • KHSS 436 - Corrective Exercise for the Health and Fitness Practitioner

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 375  or instructor permission
    Description: Enhances understanding of the foundation of movement patterns as they apply to efficient human motion. Addresses the analysis of human motion in order to teach, modify, and enhance human motion in clinical and performance settings.
  • KHSS 437 - Coaching Disability Sport

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 209  or instructor permission
    Description: Introduces developmentally appropriate practice when coaching individuals with disabilities. Emphasizes accessible and inclusive practices that promote full participation of individuals with various disabling conditions. Explores program planning and assessment in various disability sports and games.
    Previously Offered As: (Offered as KHSS 337 before 2016-17.)
  • KHSS 441 - Psychosocial Implications for Health and Physical Education

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Senior standing
    Description: A study of psychological and sociological influences, both theoretical and empirical, and their effects on health and physical performance.
  • KHSS 442 - Senior Seminar: Professional Development in Health, Physical Education, and Sport

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: 90cr completed
    Description: For majors of health and physical education and physical education and sport. Related to professional development issues and transition from college graduate to entry-level professional. Includes development of an electronic portfolio, assessment of postgraduation educational opportunities, and exploration of information literacy.
  • KHSS 445 - Sport Marketing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in KHSS 292  and KHSS 320  
    Description: Focuses on the application of marketing practices to operate a successful sports organization. Emphasizes the topics of promotion in sport, sport marketing, sport sponsorships, and sport sales practices.
  • KHSS 446 - Therapeutic Modalities

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: KHSS 365 
    Description: A basic introduction to the use of therapeutic modalities and the role they play in the rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Physical agents used in the care of athletic injuries are presented, highlighting the physiological effects of each modality, as well as indications and contraindications for their use.
  • KHSS 448 - Therapeutic Exercises for Athletic Injury Management

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 2
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: KHSS 365 , KHSS 375 
    Description: The theoretical framework for athletic injury assessment and management of the injured athlete is discussed. A problem-solving approach to the selection and implementation of specific tests and development of skill in basic therapeutic exercise procedures for improving muscle performance, relaxation, and mobilization are included.
  • KHSS 450 - Curriculum and Programming in Sexuality Education

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Topics include anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive tracts, development, birth defects, contraception, venereal disease, and abortion. Not for credit toward degrees in biology.
  • KHSS 460 - Law and Issues in Managing Sport

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or better in KHSS 292  
    Description: Emphasizes the interaction between the legal system and the sport industry. Topics include liability risk management, contracts, torts, sports agents, dispute resolution, and product liability. A focus on the influence of Title IX, antitrust exemption, religion, drug testing, and ergogenic aids on sport operations. The evolution of NCAA compliance and the issues that social media has on managing sport are included.
  • KHSS 465 - Sport Management Capstone

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or better in KHSS 292 , KHSS 320 ; 90cr completed
    Description: The emphasis is on improving personal effectiveness in the work environment for sport managers. Students develop observational skills and survey techniques needed for the sport industry. Thinking critically, problem solving, and applying transformative change models are emphasized. Discipline-specific research articles are examined and critiqued. Prepares students to market their skills to the sport industry.
  • KHSS 472 - Epidemiology of Physical Activity

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: BIOL 301 
    Description: Covers physical activity epidemiology from the evidence of the relationship between physical activity and chronic disease and the assessment of physical activity and/or sedentary behavior. Explores individual and population-based lifestyle intervention efforts to enhance health behavior and promote disease prevention in diverse populations.
  • KHSS 476 - Athletic Training Clinical Practicum III

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 365 , KHSS 385 , KHSS 446 
    Description: Develops and demonstrates proficient psychomotor skills within the domains of athletic training organization/administration and education/guidance, in coordination with a one-semester clinical field experience. Allows an opportunity to practice and apply skills under the direction of a preceptor within the IUP Athletic Department or an affiliated clinical site. Emphasizes specific skills such as those relating to communication, recordkeeping, planning, budgeting and purchasing, facility design, policies/procedures, and other athletic health care managerial/administrative duties. Athletic training instruction and guidance skills are also addressed. Restricted to students seeking eligibility to sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) for the Athletic Trainer examination.
  • KHSS 477 - Athletic Training Clinical Practicum IV

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 3
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 446 , KHSS 448 
    Description: Develops and demonstrates proficient psychomotor skills within the domain of athletic injury rehabilitation, in coordination with a one-semester clinical field experience. Allows an opportunity to practice and apply skills under the direction of a preceptor within the IUP Athletic Department or an affiliated clinical site. Emphasizes specific skills such as exercise, manual therapy, and other advanced musculoskeletal screening and therapeutic intervention techniques. Restricted to students seeking eligibility to sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) for the Athletic Trainer examination.
  • KHSS 480 - Professional Issues in Athletic Training

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: KHSS 380 , KHSS 476 
    Description: Explores topics related to professional development and responsibility in athletic training. Examines current research findings in athletic training. Addresses preparation for the Board of Certification (BOC) examination.
  • KHSS 481 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Offered on an experimental or temporary basis to explore topics not included in the established curriculum. A given topic may be offered under any special topic identity no more than three times. Special topics numbered 481 are primarily for upper-level undergraduate students.

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