Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Credit designation at right of title is expressed in (c) class hours per week, (l) lab or (d) discussion section hours per week, and (cr) number of credits per semester.


Computer Science

  • COSC 281 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Offered on an experimental or temporary basis to explore topics not included in the established curriculum. A given topic may be offered under any special topic identity no more than three times. Special topics numbered 281 are offered primarily for lower-level undergraduate students.
  • COSC 300 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 110  or equivalent
    Description: A discussion of the basic computer architecture elements: gates, combinational and sequential logic, hardware arithmetic, CPU, and memory structure. An examination of the languages of machines: representation of data, addressing techniques, symbolic coding, assembly, and linking. Problem solving using assembly language.
  • COSC 310 - Data Structures and Algorithms

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 210  
    Description: Fundamental concepts of data design and implementation, data abstraction, data structures, arrays, linked-lists, stacks, queues, recursion, trees, graphs, and hashing. Also covers sorting algorithms, divide and conquer techniques, greedy methods, and analysis of algorithms. The object-oriented paradigm is employed using an object-oriented language.
  • COSC 319 - Software Engineering Concepts

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 310  or instructor permission
    Description: Software engineering concepts include the collection of tools, procedures, methodologies, and accumulated knowledge about the development and maintenance of software-based systems. Strongly suggested for any student planning to take an internship in computer science. After an overview of the phases of the software life cycle, current methodologies, tools, and techniques being applied to each phase are discussed in depth with localized exercises given to reinforce learning of concepts.
  • COSC 341 - Introduction to Database Management Systems

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 110 , COSC 210  
    Description: Provides fundamental knowledge of, and practical experience with, database concepts. Includes study of information concepts and the realization of those concepts using the relational data model. Practical experience gained in designing and constructing data models and using SQL to interface to both multiuser DBMS packages and to desktop DBMS packages.
  • COSC 343 - Introduction to Numerical Methods

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 110 , MATH 121  or MATH 125  
    Description: Algorithmic methods for function evaluation, roots of equations, solutions to systems of linear equations, function interpolation, numerical differentiation, and integration and use of spline functions for curve fitting. The focus is on managing and measuring errors in computation. Also offered as MATH 343 ; either COSC 343 or MATH 343  may be substituted for the other and may be used interchangeably for D/F repeats but may not be counted for duplicate credit.
  • COSC 345 - Computer Networks

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 110 ; MATH 121  or MATH 125 ; and MATH 214  or MATH 216  or MATH 217 ; or equivalents
    Description: Covers data communications, computer network architectures, functions of various network layers, communication protocols, internetworking, emerging high-speed networks.
  • COSC 352 - LAN Design and Installation

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: BTST 273 or IFMG 250  or COSC 108  or COSC 110  
    Description: A study of fundamental local area networking concepts. A detailed study of the basics of local area network (LAN) technology. A comparative study of commercially available LAN systems and products. Features a hands-on laboratory implementation of a LAN. Cross-listed as IFMG 352 . Either course may be substituted for the other for D/F repeats but may not be taken for duplicate credit.
  • COSC 355 - Computer Graphics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or better in COSC 310  and junior status
    Description: Introduces computer graphics hardware and software. Explores and implements 2-D and 3-D modeling and transformations, viewing transformations, projections, rendering techniques, lighting, and shading using a current cross-platform 3-D graphics API. Includes creation of complex, photorealistic images, and animation principles.
  • COSC 356 - Network Security

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 216  and either COSC 345  or COSC 352 /IFMG 352  
    Description: Explores mechanisms for protecting networks against attacks. Emphasizes network security applications that are used on the Internet and for corporate networks. Investigates various networking security standards and studies methods for enforcing and enhancing those standards.
  • COSC 362 - Unix Systems

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 310  or instructor permission
    Description: An introduction to the features, syntax, applications, and history of Unix. Coverage includes utilities, system administration, development environments, and networking concerns including distributed systems, client-server computing, and providing Web services.
  • COSC 365 - Web Application Development

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 310  and COSC 341  
    Description: Covers the fundamental architecture of web-based applications. Presents client-side application development using markup languages such as XHTML/CSS, forms, scripting languages such as JavaScript and PHP, asynchronous updating of data such as AJAX, database access using SQL. Projects include development of distributed applications on the Internet. Includes best practices in usability, internationalization, security, and W3C accessibility standards for web applications.


  • COSC 380 - Seminar on the Computer Profession and Ethics

    Class Hours: 2
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 2

    Restriction: Instructor permission
    Description: Reading, review, and discussion of the current literature of computer science and industry trade journals; effective oral presentations; employment prospects. Topics on computer ethics and review of case studies on computer ethics from professional journals with discussion of the issues involved. Should be taken the semester before an internship or the first semester of the senior year. Should not be taken at the same time as COSC 480 .
  • COSC 405 - Artificial Intelligence

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or better in COSC 310  
    Description: Introduces the field of artificial intelligence. Explores and implements solutions using classical and modern artificial intelligence techniques. Includes state space search, logical inference, expert systems, optimization, knowledge representation, machine learning, handling uncertainty, and soft computing.
  • COSC 410 - Computer Architecture

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 300 , COSC 310  
    Description: Introduces the underlying working principles of electronic computers. Discusses the organization and architecture of computer components. Expounds on details of memory hierarchy, I/O organization, computer arithmetic, processor and control unit design, instruction set architecture, instruction-level parallelism, and the ways functional components interact together.
  • COSC 420 - Modern Programming Languages

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 310  
    Description: A comparative survey of programming language paradigms. Includes an examination of the properties, applications, syntax, and semantics of selected object-oriented, functional, and declarative programming languages.
  • COSC 424 - Compiler Construction

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 300 , COSC 310  
    Description: Relates the formal concepts of automata and language theory to the practicality of constructing a high-level language translator. The structures and techniques used in lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation, intermediate and object code generation, and optimization are emphasized.
  • COSC 427 - Introduction to Cryptography

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 310  and MATH 309   
    Description: Fundamental concepts of encoding and/or encrypting information, cryptographic protocols and techniques, various cryptographic algorithms, and security of information are covered in depth.
  • COSC 429 - Digital Forensics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 110  or equivalent programming course, junior standing or instructor permission
    Description: Takes a detailed, hands-on approach to the use of computer technology in investigating computer crime. From network security breaches to child pornography, the common bridge is the demonstration that particular electronic media contains incriminating evidence. Using modern forensic tools and techniques, students learn how to conduct a structured investigative process to determine exactly what happened and who was responsible, and to perform this investigation in such a way that the results are useful in criminal proceedings. Real-world case studies are used to provide a better understanding of security issues. Unique forensics issues associated with various operating systems including Linux/Windows operating systems and associated applications are covered.
  • COSC 430 - Introduction to Systems Programming

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or better in COSC 300  and COSC 310  or instructor permission
    Description: An in-depth introduction to a systems programming, system programming language(s) and application of those language(s) to systems-level problems. The focus is on programming constructs that are closely aligned with the architecture of a digital computer including those providing portability between platforms, dynamic allocation and management of virtual memory, complex in-memory data structures, reading/writing binary data using sequential and random access, pointer arithmetic/manipulation, and interaction between threads/processes.
  • COSC 432 - Introduction to Operating Systems

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 300 , COSC 310  or equivalents
    Description: Introduces the principles of operating system design and implementation. Includes interrupt services, process states and transitions, threads, scheduling algorithms, synchronization tools, deadlocks, virtualization, memory management of (main and virtual), storage devices management, file systems, and operating systems security.
  • COSC 454 - Information Assurance Administration

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 216  or instructor permission
    Description: Explores the various issues pertinent to maintaining acceptable levels of information security within organizations. Addresses issues involved in administering and managing information security systems. Intended to raise awareness of information security issues across organizations.
  • COSC 460 - Theory of Computation

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 310  or instructor permission
    Description: Formal methods for describing and analyzing programming languages and algorithms. Covers Backus-Naur forms, productions, regular expressions, introduction to automata theory, Turing machines, and recent concepts in algorithm theory computability.
  • COSC 465 - Distributed Processing and Web Services

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 365  or COSC 310  and instructor permission
    Description: An advanced study into architecture of Internet systems and the process of developing distributed computer applications running on the Internet and/or other networks. Presents an in-depth understanding of distributed processing technologies including socket programming, RPC, RMI, EJBs, DCOM, .NET, SOAP, and Web services. Emphasis is placed on the use of XML to support multi-party heterogeneous distributed applications and includes XML fundamentals (e.g., DTDs, XML schemas, XPath, XSLT, SAX, and DOM), and Web services (e.g., SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, and ebXML). Students complete hands-on projects utilizing mentioned technologies.
  • COSC 471 - Cloud Computing

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 210  
    Description: Provides analytical and practical coverage of cloud computing and web services. Focuses on the technology, frameworks and associated standards: cloud models, cloud platforms and scalability. Compares advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing platforms, identify security and privacy issues in cloud computing, and analyze performance, scalability, and availability of the underlying cloud technologies and software. Deploys applications over a commercial cloud infrastructure such as AWS or Windows Azure.
  • COSC 473 - Software Engineering Practice

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: COSC 319  or instructor permission
    Description: Planning, design, and implementation of large software systems using software engineering techniques. Students work on project teams on real or realistic software development projects. Credit for either COSC 473 or COSC 493 , but not both, may count toward computer science major requirements for graduation; the other course credits will be counted as free electives.
  • COSC 480 - Seminar on Technical Topics

    Class Hours: 0
    Lab/Discussion: 1
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: See text below
    Description: Reading, review, and discussion of the current literature of computer science and industry professional and technical journals; oral presentations. Should be taken the last semester of the senior year. Should not be taken at the same time as COSC 380 .
  • COSC 482 - Independent Study

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-4

    Restriction: Prior approval through advisor, faculty member, department chairperson, dean, and Office of the Provost
    Description: Students with interest in independent study of a topic not offered in the curriculum may propose a plan of study in conjunction with a faculty member.
    Approved: Approval based on academic appropriateness and availability of resources.
  • COSC 493 - Internship in Computer Science

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 6-12

    Prerequisite: Junior standing
    Restriction: Department permission
    Description: Provides on-the-job experience in computer science with private and government employers. Requirements include periodic consultation with a faculty member and employer evaluations. Requires completion of related academic work in the form of progress reports, final report, and oral presentation. Internship is either 6 credit hours over a minimum of 12 weeks or 12 credit hours over a minimum of 23 weeks. The 6cr option may be taken twice. (Writing-intensive course. As such, internship requires completion of designated writing-intensive components.)

Counselor Education

  • COUN 253 - Counseling in School Settings

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: An elective course providing in-service teachers and school personnel, other than counselors, with a basic understanding of the knowledge, information, and skills appropriate to counseling with individuals and groups. Restricted to peer tutors.


  • CRIM 101 - Crime and Justice Systems

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Introduces the field of criminology through the examination of historical data, statistical information, theories of criminal causation, social control of behavior, development of laws, evaluation of criminal justice system policies, procedures, and trends. Emphasizes terminology of the field, an awareness of the methods of inquiry utilized in the field, and examination of personal attitudes and values regarding crime and responses to crime.
  • CRIM 102 - Survey of Criminology

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Provides an understanding of the discipline of criminology through an examination of its theories, basic assumptions, and definitions.
  • CRIM 205 - Policing and the Community

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: Introduces the history, function, and role of policing in American society. The multidimensional work of policing is emphasized with particular attention to strategies employed to combat and prevent crime through computer technology and advancements in nonlethal and lethal methods. Organizational and personal selections also are covered, as these are intimately connected to the structure and composition of the communities serviced. Practical and critical approaches to law enforcement are undertaken to explore prevailing and dissenting perspectives on the issues covered.
  • CRIM 210 - Criminal Law

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  or departmental permission
    Description: A study of the history and sources of criminal law coupled with an analysis of the substantive elements of specific crimes.
  • CRIM 215 - Survey of Courts and the Criminal Justice System

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  or departmental permission
    Description: Examines the historical background, the traditions, and the legal principles that underlie the courts as an integral component of the American system of criminal justice. Both differences and similarities inherent within the state and federal court processes are analyzed, and the procedures through which the criminal courts uphold the basic rights and liberties of all United States citizens, both victims and the accused, are explored. The dynamics of the judiciary are considered through examination of the critical foundation of the judicial process. A primary focus is placed on understanding the respective roles played by judges, prosecuting attorneys, defense counsel, police, probation officers, and other court-related personnel in the criminal court process.
  • CRIM 225 - Survey of Corrections

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  or departmental permission
    Description: States and emphasizes the role of corrections in the social control of human behavior. Includes the history of corrections, classic and contemporary thought about the role of corrections in the criminal justice system, and a survey of correctional methods and alternatives with an emphasis on the use of incarceration.
  • CRIM 235 - Survey of Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Law

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  or departmental permission
    Description: Provides an understanding of the juvenile justice system and the various cases and legislative initiatives that have affected juvenile justice policy, in addition to examining the evolution of the juvenile justice system and the transformation of the current issues in juvenile justice in the United States. Attention is also focused on juvenile justice policies and procedures in other countries.
  • CRIM 255 - Law, Social Control, and Society

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  or departmental permission
    Description: The evolution and development of the modern legal system. Topics include civil, criminal, and administration law, the legal profession, legal systems in American society, and the law as one of many instruments of social control and social change.
  • CRIM 306 - Criminological Research Methods

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , CRIM 102 , junior standing
    Description: An introduction to the basic criminological research methods designed to prepare the student to understand and participate in quantitative and qualitative research.
  • CRIM 321 - Cybersecurity and Loss Prevention

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: Addresses the cybersecurity threat from a more comprehensive standpoint. Challenges students to recognize and understand security concerns from multiple perspectives, ranging from the insider threat to threats involving the actual physical components. Exposure to a design methodology, associated system components modules, and basic security principles is featured. Students also are exposed to the private and public responses to computer security problems, including the insider threat, domestic and foreign terrorism, and a number of unique computer crimes and solutions to deal with these crimes. The importance of a sound security policy in the overall management of any organization is addressed.
  • CRIM 323 - Cybersecurity and the Law

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: Examines the scope of cybercrime and its impact on today’s system of criminal justice. Includes cybercrime and the Bill of Rights, computer-based economic crime, electronic commerce, ethical challenges, and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Includes an analysis of the legal considerations facing law enforcement and cybersecurity professionals who deal with the problem of discovering, investigating, and prosecuting cybercrime.
  • CRIM 344 - Terrorism

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  or instructor permission
    Description: An in-depth study of the legal and international issues that the United States faces in response to combating international terrorism. The emphasis is placed on identifying causes of terrorism and the most plausible threats; terrorist networks, their commonalities and differences, and the difficulty in countering; and determining appropriate responses, to include political and legal implications, threat analysis, physical security, and target hardening.
    Previously Offered As: (Also offered as PLSC 344; may not be taken as duplicate credit.)
  • CRIM 354 - White-Collar Crime

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: An introduction to various topics and issues relating to white-collar crime. Theories and measurements of white-collar, corporate, organizational, occupational, workplace, and organized crimes are presented and compared. Prevention, legal issues, and control strategies are presented.
  • CRIM 374 - Environmental Crime and Justice

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: Introduces the developing area of criminological solutions to environmental problems. Issues addressed include the nature of environmental offenders and victims, the variety of approaches to achieving environmental justice, and criminal justice solutions to specific environmental problems.
  • CRIM 384 - Violence and Victimology

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: Introduces the leading theories and research in the area of violent criminal behavior and victimization. A special emphasis is on patterns of violent offending and victimization over time, victim-offender relationships, and the experience of victims in the criminal justice system. Addresses major violent crimes including murder, rape, robbery, and assault.
  • CRIM 391 - Substance Use and Abuse in Criminal Justice

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  
    Description: A study of substance use and abuse confronting American society. Alcohol and drug use and abuse education, philosophy, physiological effects, and education, philosophy, physiological effects, and social aspects are examined in terms of control measures and public safety.
  • CRIM 394 - Crime and Delinquency Prevention

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102  or departmental permission
    Description: Examines various crime and delinquency prevention policies and programs. Topics include the historical development of crime and delinquency prevention methods, theoretical applications to prevention efforts, and research findings on program effectiveness. The importance of research design in evaluating prevention programs also is considered.
  • CRIM 400 - Theoretical Criminology

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , CRIM 102 , junior standing
    Description: A review and critical analysis of the major criminological theories beginning with the Classical School; psychological, sociological, economic, biological, and political theories of crime and its causes are included.
  • CRIM 401 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , CRIM 102 , junior standing
    Description: An examination of the nature and extent of crime in modern western society. Emphasizes issues selected from, but not limited to, emerging patterns of violence, organized crime, white-collar crime, victimless crime, corruption, and those crime control strategies deemed appropriate in a democracy.
  • CRIM 403 - Dilemmas in Criminology and Criminal Justice

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , CRIM 102 , junior standing
    Description: An overview of prominent ethical issues facing professionals in criminology and criminal justice, with an emphasis on encouraging individual students to explore their own ethical and moral systems and how they make ethical/moral decisions. Primarily discussion/seminar oriented.
  • CRIM 410 - Race, Ethnicity, Social Structure, and Crime

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , CRIM 102 
    Description: Introduces the art of thinking critically about the social construction of race, ethnicity, and social class in crime and crime control, with special focus on the United States.
  • CRIM 420 - Media Portrayal of Crime

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , JRNL 105 , or COMM 101 , or departmental permission
    Description: An examination of the portrayal of crime in the media (television, film, newspapers, music, video games, electronic/Internet). This includes, but is not limited to, victims, offenders, criminal justice actors, and the criminal justice system. Of importance is how the media select what is newsworthy and how they describe and/or alter criminal justice issues. Attention is paid to the media’s influence on perceptions of crime, the ethics behind the media’s perceptual influence, criminology and criminal justice issues of the general population and the resultant criminal justice policies. Seminar based.
    Previously Offered As: (Also offered as COMM 420; may not be taken as duplicate credit.)
  • CRIM 450 - Women and Crime

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: A study of the nature and extent of women’s crime, theories of female criminality, processing of women offenders through the criminal justice system, the response of police and court officials to women as victims of crime, and opportunities for women as employees in criminal justice agencies.
  • CRIM 470 - Comparative Study of Justice

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101  or CRIM 102 
    Description: A comparison of American systems of administration of justice with those of other nations.
  • CRIM 482 - Independent Study in Criminology

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , CRIM 102 , prior approval through advisor, faculty member, and Office of the Provost
    Description: Students with interest in independent study of a topic not offered in the curriculum may propose a plan of study in conjunction with a faculty member.
    Approved: Approval is based on academic appropriateness and availability of resources.
  • CRIM 493 - Internship

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 3-12

    Prerequisite: CRIM 101 , CRIM 102 , 12cr from CRIM courses, 2.5 overall GPA, and junior standing
    Description: A structured field placement designed to broaden the educational experience through observation and participation in work assignments in government or private sectors. Six credits can be applied to the major requirements.

Critical Languages

  • CRLG 101 - Arabic I

    Credits: 3

    Description: Basic vocabulary and pronunciation in the target language. Oral/aural skills are stressed
  • CRLG 101-120 - Critical Languages I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Basic vocabulary and pronunciation in the target language. Oral/aural skills are stressed.
  • CRLG 109 - Korean I

    Credits: 3

    Description: Basic vocabulary and pronunciation in the target language. Oral/aural skills
  • CRLG 112 - Russian I

    Credits: 3

    Description: Basic vocabulary and pronunciation in the target language. Oral/aural skills
  • CRLG 151 - Arabic II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 101  or acceptable equivalent
    Description: A continuation of the first-semester course. Depending on the language being studied, reading and writing may be introduced at this level
  • CRLG 151–170 - Critical Languages II

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Level I or acceptable equivalent
    Description: A continuation of the first-semester course. Depending on the language being studied, reading and writing may be introduced at this level.
  • CRLG 159 - Korean II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 109 or acceptable equivalent
    Description: A continuation of the first-semester course. Depending on the language being studied, reading and writing may be introduced at this level
  • CRLG 162 - Russian II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 112 or acceptable equivalent
    Description: A continuation of the first-semester course. Depending on the language being studied, reading and writing may be introduced at this level
  • CRLG 201 - Arabic III

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 151 or acceptable equivalent
    Description: A continuation of the first-semester course. Depending on the language being studied, reading and writing may be introduced at this level
  • CRLG 201-220 - Critical Languages III

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Level II or acceptable equivalent
    Description: At this first intermediate level, students begin to develop a degree of oral proficiency that varies with the language studied. Reading and writing are studied in all languages by this level.
  • CRLG 209 - Korean III

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 159 or acceptable equivalent
  • CRLG 212 - Russian III

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 162 or acceptable equivalent
  • CRLG 251 - Arabic IV

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 201 or acceptable equivalent
    Description: By the end of this course, the student should be able to communicate in simple terms with an educated native speaker on a topic with which the student is familiar. Ability in reading and writing varies with language
  • CRLG 251-270 - Critical Languages IV

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Level III or acceptable equivalent
    Description: By the end of this course, the student should be able to communicate in simple terms with an educated native speaker on a topic with which the student is familiar. Ability in reading and writing varies with language.
  • CRLG 259 - Korean IV

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 209 or acceptable equivalent
    Description: By the end of this course, the student should be able to communicate in simple terms with an educated native speaker on a topic with which the student is familiar. Ability in reading and writing varies with language
  • CRLG 262 - Russian IV

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CRLG 212 or acceptable equivalent
    Description: By the end of this course, the student should be able to communicate in simple terms with an educated native speaker on a topic with which the student is familiar. Ability in reading and writing varies with language


  • DANC 102 - Introduction to Dance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Explores dance as communication, ritual, social engagement, entertainment, and as an art form. Dance history, genealogy, aesthetics, critical analysis and response, and the creative process are examined. Class experience includes viewing and critical analysis of professional dance works, attending at least two live productions, and engaging in the creative process in practice and performance.
  • DANC 150 - Fundamentals of Dance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: A basic dance technique that sequentially develops the elements of movement (space, time, force) into a variety of dance genres and period styles. Covers special care and safety of the instrument—the body.
  • DANC 210 - Dance and Somatics

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Investigates movement, emphasizing internal perception including traditional and contemporary techniques based in Conditioning, Psychotherapy, and Spiritual Movement as they apply to dance and health. Pilates Based Exercise, Yoga, Contact Improvisation, Alexander Technique, and Body Work methods will be embodied and analyzed with emphasis placed on safe practices. Open to dancers, actors, athletes and non-dancers of all levels.
  • DANC 220 - Women and Dance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Explores gender roles through experiential movement and the embodiment of popular key genres and dances including current trends. An interdisciplinary, multi-perspective, survey of the roles of women and dance from a historical, cultural, and spiritual vantage point followed by reflective writing and discussion. Requires a final performance project.
  • DANC 250 - Beginning Modern Dance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Beginning modern dance technique. An introduction to the beginning elements of the choreographic process. Examines the historical development and cultural influences on the changing philosophies of modern dance performance. Performance of creative work required.
  • DANC 260 - Beginning Jazz Dance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Beginning jazz technique, dynamics, and selected styles that reflect an era or culture characteristic of jazz movement and music from the 1920s through the present. An introduction to the beginning elements of the choreographic process. Performance of creative work required.
  • DANC 270 - Beginning Ballroom and Tap Dance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: A sequential development of beginning tap and ballroom dance techniques in the context of the historical development and period styles. Performance of creative work is required.
  • DANC 280 - Beginning Ballet

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: A sequential development of beginning barre and center techniques that progress to link movement phrasing into dance sequences and choreography. The historical periods of development and the status of the art today are examined in a cultural context, which includes gender and minority influences. Performance of creative work is required.
  • DANC 281 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Offered on an experimental or temporary basis to explore topics not included in the established curriculum. A given topic may be offered under any special topic identity no more than three times. Special topics numbered 281 are offered primarily for lower-level undergraduate students.
  • DANC 290 - Ethnic Dance

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Includes dance techniques from a variety of indigenous forms from western and eastern cultures. Presented in the historical and social context. An emphasis is given to the needs of theater production.
  • DANC 350 - Intermediate Modern I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 250  or by permission of the instructor
    Description: Furthers the development of the dancer at the intermediate level in Modern technique. Integrates both technique and artistic growth, along with increased knowledge of artists and styles of the genre. Includes active participation in all class exercises and performances, analyzes, interprets, and composes original choreography based on historical and current works.
  • DANC 351 - Choreography

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Three introductory- or advanced-level dance classes from DANC 250 , DANC 260 , DANC 270 , DANC 280 , DANC 290 , DANC 485 , or instructor permission
    Description: Introduces the necessary choreographic tools needed to manipulate dance as a medium to create dance works. Students learn and use various approaches to the choreographic process to create dance works, one of which will be presented in a public showing at the end of the semester.
  • DANC 353 - Dance Curriculum and Instruction

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Three introductory- or advanced-level dance classes from DANC 250 , DANC 260 , DANC 270 , DANC 280 , DANC 290 , DANC 485 , or instructor permission
    Description: Introduces the necessary teaching skills and curriculum development needed to understand the pedagogical structure for teaching dance. Students learn the approaches to teaching that are unique to dance and will learn to design dance curriculum.
  • DANC 354 - Pedagogy of Ballet I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 380  or instructor permission
    Description: Studies the methods of teaching ballet from a multi-perspective approach from pre-ballet to beginning levels for children and adults. Researches age appropriate ballet exercises, historical ballet perspectives, pedagogical philosophies of ballet, critical analysis of ballet, ballet terminology, five methods of teaching ballet, safe teaching practices, kinesiology, gender, adaptive and current developments.
  • DANC 355 - Dance Production: Administration to Creation

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Two introductory- or advanced-level dance classes from DANC 250 , DANC 260 , DANC 270 , DANC 280 , DANC 290 , DANC 485 , or instructor permission
    Description: A sequential development of the dance production process from audition to opening, focusing on the practical application to private studio and academic and professional settings. Explores the evolution of dance production and the future of dance, from both administrative and artistic perspectives, taking into consideration the constantly changing world of technology.
  • DANC 360 - Intermediate Jazz I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 260  or by permission of the instructor
    Description: Furthers the development of the dancer at the intermediate level in Jazz technique. Integrates both technique and artistic growth, along with increased knowledge of artists and styles of the genre. Includes active participation in all class exercises and performances, analyzes, interprets, and composes original choreography based on historical and current works.
  • DANC 380 - Intermediate Ballet I

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 280  or by permission of the instructor
    Description: Develop and perform ballet technique by combining the Vaganova, Cecchetti, and French training methods of teaching. Classes will include a warm-up, barre work, center work (au milieu) and large movements across the floor (grand allegro). Students will actively participate in all class exercises and performances, analyze, interpret, and compose historical, current, and original works at an intermediate level.
  • DANC 450 - Intermediate Modern II

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 250  and DANC 350 , or by permission of the instructor 
    Description: Furthers the development of the dancer at the advanced intermediate level in Modern technique. Development in dance requires the integration of both technique and aitistic growth, along with increased knowledge of artists and styles of the genre. Students will actively participate in all class exercises and performances, analyze, interpret, and compose original choreography based on historical and current works at an advanced intermediate level.
  • DANC 460 - Intermediate Jazz II

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 260  and DANC 360 , or by permission of the instructor
    Description: Furthers the development of the dancer at the advanced intermediate level in Jazz technique.  Development in dance requires the integration of both technique and artistic growth, along with increased knowledge of artists and styles of the genre. Students will actively participate in all class exercises and performances, analyze, interpret, and compose original choreography based on historical and current works at an advanced intermediate level.
  • DANC 480 - Intermediate Ballet II

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 380  or by permission of the instructor
    Description: Furthers the development of the dancer at an advanced intermediate level in ballet technique by combining the Vaganova, Cecchetti, and French training methods of teaching. Classes will include a warm-up, barre work, center work (au milieu) and large movements across the floor (grand allegro). Students will actively participate in all class exercises and performances, analyze, interpret, and compose historical, current, and original works at an advanced intermediate level.
  • DANC 481 - Special Topics

    Class Hours: var
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1-6

    Prerequisite: As appropriate to course content
    Description: Offered on an experimental or temporary basis to explore topics not included in the established curriculum. A given topic may be offered under any special topic identity no more than three times. Special topics numbered 481 are primarily for upper-level undergraduate students.
  • DANC 485 - Dance Studio

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: DANC 250  or DANC 260  or DANC 270  or DANC 280  (beginning technique class taken must be the specific dance genre of the Dance Studio class offered); or by instructor permission
    Description: Furthers the development of the dancer at the intermediate level of a specified genre of dance. Development in dance requires the integration of both technique and artistic development. The specific genres vary from semester to semester, including modern, ballet, tap, and jazz as alternating semester options.
    Repeated: May be repeated with a different focus each time.
  • DANC 486 - Practicum in Dance

    Class Hours: var
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 0-2

    Restriction: Dance major standing or instructor permission
    Description: Develops skills through artistic practice of performance, production, choreography and professional improvement. Engages with faculty-led, professionally modeled productions of dance concerts, ballets, musicals, operas, and dance immersions. Increases competency in dance, choreography, directing, stage management, design/technology, dance research and professional immersion opportunities in a focused area of interest and certification.  Repeatable course required of all dance majors.
  • DANC 487 - Practicum in Dance Senior Project

    Class Hours: 1
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 1

    Description: Develops and presents a culminating capstone experience through individualized instruction. Students will synthesize prior learning and experiences into a project proposal that is uniquely suited to their post-graduation plan. To realize their proposal, students will apply professional practices and methods to document research, preparation, program/document development and production/performance/presentation. Each project will culminate in a form of public presentation.

Disability Services

  • DISB 103 - Special Education Technology

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: Addresses the use of assistive technology in the classroom in areas of communication, mobility, education, recreation, vocation, independence, and therapy/rehabilitation. Emphasizes developing awareness of the diversity of assistive technology currently available for individuals with disabilities. Presents specific applications of assistive technology devices, which improve and maintain the functioning capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Includes independent learning activities and information that enables the students to gather information about assistive technology devices, companies, and related services. (Also offered as EDEX 103 ; may not be taken for duplicate credit.)
  • DISB 111 - Introduction to Exceptional Persons

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Restriction: Department majors, dual majors, ECED majors, minors, and official incoming transfers only
    Description: Surveys characteristics, needs, problems, and behavior patterns of individuals who have disabilities or who are gifted. Develops an understanding and knowledge of individuals with sensory, behavioral, physical, cognitive, language, and learning disabilities. Includes history and legislative bases of special education. (Also offered as EDEX 111 ; may not be taken for duplicate credit.)
  • DISB 114 - Atypical Development in Infants, Children, and Adolescents

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: PSYC 101 , DISB 111 /EDEX 111 
    Description: Emphasizes foundations of human growth from conception to age 21, plus atypical development related to special needs with regard to cognitive, physical, and socialemotional development. Provides a foundation for the understanding of the needs of students with developmental disabilities ranging from early intervention to the end of their high school years. (Also offered as EDEX 114 ; may not be taken for duplicate credit.)
  • DISB 201 - Customized Employment: Disability Awareness

    Class Hours: 3
    Lab/Discussion: 0
    Credits: 3

    Description: A historical perspective and stereotypical treatment of persons with disabilities, the impact of community integration and empowered living for persons with disabilities, the capabilities and challenges faced by persons with various disabilities. Also considers how current issues, such as health care, housing, Social Security, and employment, have on the lives of persons with disabilities.

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